December 02, 2013

Fighting chance


"Sometimes, you have to say something
even with teeth bared
to let out a soulful cry"

being a woman...also has its raw beautiful pain
that can only be understood by another woman
but there's another
that tugs the heart stronger
it's when a muslim woman
who wants to give her heart to Him first
before everything else

know self is weak in a lot of things
but at least, this one, this hope, this wish is true

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"...and it's much MUCH sweeter to have a fighting partner "
"uhibbuka fillah jiddan jiddan~"

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November 26, 2013

Year-end adventure


Alhamdulillah...things went well. Barely remembered were the times when we had a fight, barely remembered when trust were tried...for Allah swt to gather us despite our so many faults, He still wants us to be together. the end, we pulled a great team. As a family. As colleagues. As confidants. 

Just had our kids convocation...Alhamdulillah, despite the shaky beginnings during rehearsals, the end result was good. It's something of a relief, know for once, we did the right thing. 
SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akhbar~

... and today, we had reading & spelling sessions with the kids. The lower elementary baked sponge cakes, yesterday was sandwich day. Tomorrow's Pizza Day. So, while the big kids have their fun taping into their culinary skills, the rest of us went to the Agro Park. Spontaneous, child-like freedom ...
It's a blessing, really to have so few kids. Focus more, teach more, love more~ :D

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November 12, 2013



"T, it's a wonder. Why does that machine is always jammed when you use it?", W laughed.

Shook my head with equal puzzlement. *sigh* Somehow, this repetition is somewhat tiring. It's like...this machine didn't like me....or for some reason, Allah swt is trying to teach something to me and that requires drilling. So, I closed my eyes a bit, swallowing this in, not wanting to say anything and just pray. Tried my best to be kind with it, made a du'a (du'a that you've read before riding any vehicle), say Basmallah and pressed Enter. 
Then, it's kind to me again.

The same things happened before. Car. Studies. Life. I didn't intend for these things to happened. Took precautions to avoid it, yet it came. It always came. To the point when sometimes...I'm broken. Pushed to my edge and takes me way back into self-reflection...there's been phases. When I beat myself up in regret, when there a lot of 'if' cascading...yet, all reduced to these conclusions.

1. Don't blame other people.
2. Don't blame self.
3. Don't blame Allah swt, either.
4. Accept it as it is. That it happened.
5. Try to find the hikmah in it.
6. Try to identify the problem.
7. Do the best. To avoid the same mistake. To reduce the consequence.
8. Find the solution and act upon it.
9. Seek Allah swt help in every steps...and pray that He grants patience.

..and then I move on. Skin thicker, yet so much conscious that Allah swt is near.

Maybe...just maybe...there's still a lot of ego going on inside me. That I have to be reduced to this state to fully understand what tawakal to Him means. What true sacrifice means.

This time, I know why. 
It's been two weeks His reminder came from every directions. 
About work ethic. 
I, unfortunately, still have a bad case of turning things in on time, process and did things rather slowly. Sometimes, I choose some things over the other, when I knew better. I knew better. When I could've done my best, I stopped and drove back.
That's what I reduced myself into.
Someone I became to lose respect in. 
It' simple terms, bad, especially if I'm suppose to work as a team.

 At one time, I just cried. On the way home, wondering why I'm even crying to begin with. Its so sad and pitiful. Then...I realized...I cried for myself. For these weaknesses I had. In regard to consequence, I hurt myself more for not trying, for turning into a coward as I grow older, as I fear people's good opinion over what needs to be done for Allah's sake. I've became selfish, or rather... a coward.

I refuse.

"Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?"
"Apakah manusia mengira bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan mengatakan: Kami telah beriman, sedang mereka belum diuji?" 
Surah Al-Ankabut : 2

"Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned."
"Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Dan kami akan uji kalian dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cubaan dan kepada Kamilah kamu akan kembali." 
Surah Al-Anbiya : 35

I have to stand on my ground. Call me stubborn or whatever you will. I call it defending my syahadah and hoping that kalimah thoyyibah would sprout from this self.

Taking care of oneself is one thing.

Taking care of another is another.

That's when I realize that..

"To be to have many faults."
Yet Allah swt loves those who had a hard time, bearing with patience among people of different personalities, attitudes, compare to those who lived in serenity in solitude.

"To be to have many faults."
Yet, despite so many shortcomings, great things also come forth from so very few of them. 
Those who give their life to Allah.
Their family.
Their community.
To spread rahmat all over the world.

O Allah swt, teach me, teach my family, teach the people who to live rightfully in Your eyes~
Sometimes...that stubborness lay on the quiet patience. Bad things happen, but yeah, treat 'em like a paper-jam. 

Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda: "Ujian yang tiada henti-hentinya menimpa kaum mukmin baik lelaki atau wanita yang mengenai diri, harta dan anak-anaknya, tetapi dia bersabar, dia akan menemui Allah dalam keadaan tidak berdosa." 
HR At-Tirmidzi

"You can't choose what happens to you.
But you 'can' choose to be happy or miserable."

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October 28, 2013



'cause I'm holding to a hope
as light as air
even when the grains of sand drop
there shall not be any despair

what's intertwine
fixate my heart at this
shall not be undone
from what had been missed

from what is written
from what is true
no less in importance
it's just that... we grew

would you believe me in this
that all will be well
be prepared to take risks
because only He knows our real tale

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October 19, 2013

How much do you believe?


17.10.2013 (Wednesday)

KG 3 Morning circle slot: 
Tazkirah on Eidul Adha. 
1) The sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim a.s family.
2) The importance of upholding your Tauhid 'first' and 'foremost'.

T: "For a Mukmin, their hearts shake when Allah's name is mentioned."
"Does your heart shakes?"
*small fists clutch their chest*
H: "No"
T: "Close your eyes." 
"Is your heart beating?"
*eyes closed...
and opened.*
H: "Yes."

Everything they've said, the prophet Ibrahim a.s, Ismail a.s, Hajar..
and they leave their fate to Him (left in a desolated desert, the sacrifice of a beloved and only son, a father's request whose face he didn't remember)
"just's lillahi taala."

"How much do you believe that this heart belongs to Him?"

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There's a lot of uncertainty in life. Things that I know, and more that I don't.
How much I laid my fate to Allah swt must've started then.
When I waited, when I push aside my principles, just for a moment, thinking I could create a 'chance' for him to understand. In the end he didn't. And I've regretted my decision ever since. That I had to wear a mask so unlike me, and make excuses to justify that at least I've 'tried'. Was it worth it that from that moment on, I couldn't forgive myself?

 Then, I understood what the lesson was. You think 'you' can create the chance? Hidayah comes from Allah swt. That chances come from Him, alone.

The lesson was, don't push away your principles for anyone's sake. When it's Allah swt, don't waver....and make du'a. That's more pure for your heart.

"Carry on through, even when the world is against you."

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October 15, 2013



This year feels like a dream.
It's a tad bit early to wrap this year up, but muhasabah is always necessary.
The sooner you do it, the sooner you understand what's right and what's wrong with oneself.

There's a lot of firsts this year.
Taken, when one becomes two, of course there'll always be a lot of firsts.
Just not in a way I imagine I would feel.
Like I've been here.
Strange, isn't it?
Why so familiar when everything is so different?

First, a rocky year of preparing. Then, the cautious yet delirious happiness. The crash. The survival ... and now we're on calm sea. Just drifting, both learning to give and take, and now, just waiting. I have a feeling we're waiting for the next big wave. The inevitable. If being one person has its own challenges, I believe Allah swt would give a bigger (challenge) once we know how to got each other's back. The responsibility.

I know, we're on sedative now.
O Allah swt, You didn't make last year hard for me for it to end there. It's necessary so that I know where I stood ... now the question is, how 'we' stood?

To be this family is a new thing for us. Shaping things what both our families originally differ as much, yet by Your will, changed as we had changed. For the better, InsyaAllah~ cause this is a journey, not a destination. Next is our community.

I prayed for strength, loyalty & tsabat in Your path. For all of us. Your ummah.

"Go and be a great mukmin & mukminat."

O Allah swt, help us to have Your redha~

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October 09, 2013

a warm heart


To take time to care for others. 
To make du'a for whoever, whenever, wherever. 
To forgive whenever the heart feels slighted. 
To have faith in people.

The conversation I've had with my mother-in-law warmed me. A true story about a mother's du'a. Her faith in what Allah swt had set for her children. Am raised up in a privilege educated family. To 'know' is one thing, but to 'believe' is an incredible thing. 

By logic, there's a lot of unfair things, but by logic too, there's a lot of fair things in this world. It's a matter how the heart sees things. I'm learning. I'm learning to see past the potholes, the negatives views... and try to leave them to Allah swt first. Second is that my part is to be a good mukmin to others. 

"The hand that gives is better than being on the receiving end."

So I'd rather do this,
to think less about it and to do more

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October 02, 2013


Bismillah ...

my sadness. my happiness.


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October 01, 2013



beautiful. haunting. hurting.

"Time flies, but not who we are."

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September 28, 2013

Izzah (proud)


"If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything."

"don't be fooled and don't be a fool."

it's a long time I didn't talk here, eh?
doesn't mean I cease to grow, to feel
up until now, that's the message I gave to myself
when I'm happy, when I'm sad
when I once thought that maybe it's better I become a normal person.
The result: epic failure

I can't imagine a life without having Allah swt in my life, in full.
To really really shape my life to His want, a Muslim
A muslim lady, a muslim wife, a muslim daughter, a muslim friend, a muslim teacher, a muslim student...
how can I say it?
I'm proud of Islam

what happens to muslims is another story
but to know Islam...the sunnah, the Qur'an
am already busy with it
and so much joy to practice it

deflect from excess, when that excess comes from human words
seek companionship in His words
for verily, with remembrance of Allah swt, does the heart find peace :")

we grew up, Alhamdulillah~
Guide us, O Allah swt~
So that with whatever rezeki You gave us, the when, where, we'd always be thankful

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September 11, 2013

I knew


I knew...
I knew it's His way of reminding me
I knew He wouldn't leave me as I am, in the state that I'm in
I knew His call would be soon enough
if I'm truly sincere, then He would kept His word, and I would've kept mine

"O you who covers himself [with a garment],
"Arise and warn
And your Lord glorify
And your clothing purify
And uncleanliness avoid
And do not confer favor to acquire more
But for your Lord be patient."

"Hai orang yang berkemul (berselimut),
bangunlah, lalu berilah peringatan!
dan Tuhanmu agungkanlah!
dan pakaianmu bersihkanlah,
dan perbuatan dosa tinggalkanlah,
dan janganlah kamu memberi (dengan maksud) memperoleh (balasan) yang lebih banyak.
Dan untuk (memenuhi perintah) Tuhanmu, bersabarlah."
Al-Muddathir, 74: 1-7

O Allah swt, I'm sorry for faltering
I'm sorry it took this long

...and Alhamdulillah, Thank You
Thank You for listening my heart
Thank You for knocking some sense into it :")

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July 28, 2013



Somehow this week (or last two weeks), Allah swt repeatedly taught me about husnudzon. That to have husnudzon amongst muslims is wajib (a must) even though how bad that person is. At first, everything seems contradictory... be cautious, but husnudzon. To be careful, yet ...

I didn't understand, at first.

Husnudzon is the lowermost stage of ukhuwwah. Ukhuwwah only happens between muslims. When there's faith, there's unity...and when there's unity...there's ukhuwwah.
What Allah SWT & Rasulullah SAW are trying to teach us is this: For those who have faith, they would try their best to have husnudzon to brothers of their own faith, even though they still bear marks of jahiliyyah (robbery, etc). Be cautious because Allah swt give us thought to think things through. Husnudzon is the matter of heart, who always try to make du'a for his brothers/sisters.

Yet, the test of husnudzon can be very hard. Complex in its sincerity. Take for example, a group of visiting delegations came to see an islamic school. They talked about how the children there are raised as their own, and instill in their head and hearts the good values of muslim. Alhamdulillah~ Then, after the briefing, a visitor was searching for his shoes. It's missing! The pupils there are of a poor background and since they're nearby ...

How? How do you feel husnudzon towards the host?
He (the host), expressed his regret. He said about since it's nearing their children's graduation, there's a lot of people (who set up camps, tables, etc) who entered the compound...and sometimes, it's beyond their monitor. The visitor waited ... for some admission. But it never came. The host never said, "if it's one of our children, we'd punished him accordingly." He never said it, this headmaster. Who smiles from his heart and who 'believes', who really 'believes' that he raised these children well. That despite their background and culture, they are the repentant kind, honest and loyal to Allah swt decree.

This self is ashamed when self hold those very thoughts (suudzon) against them.

He had faith.
Whatever caution that must've spring up from his heart (Wallahualam) he kept it to himself. He never said it, infront of his children or the visiting delegation, whether he felt disappointment, etc. Hence, any ill-bearing thoughts and feelings, he puts to a stop there. Even if later, logic points that any child is in the wrong, he already shows his faith, then its up to that child to fess up and admit, or for that child to repent 'on his own'. What strange psychology he did, and ... I found it, a very honorable one.

There's a story as such back in the time of prophet Musa a.s. Drought came and it hardly rain, so he gathered his people (the believers) and made du'a. Strangely, despite the attendance of collective 'soleh' people and his own du'a the rain didn't come. He reflected. Du'a is only granted to those who are of a good heart. Someone must've done a sin, that stopped the du'a from being granted, and so he addressed the issue to the people. Anybody who did that (any sin) should walk forward, admit it and be repented. Suddenly, the rain came, without anyone moving to do so. Why? Allah swt, explained, if one of His servant did a sin in secret and He hid it from people, should He show it when His servant repent in secret?

Husnudzon is sometimes the hardest to do, but for a muslim, whose ukhuwwah only Allah swt grant among the believers, should believe their own brothers/sisters. Reality might reflects negatively, yet Allah swt taught us. To have good opinion of our brothers and sisters, no matter how contradictory we 'felt', 'only' express our faith in them. Any ill-will, stop. Unless he did something that is dzalim in the eyes of Allah swt, then it's our duty to confront him.

HAve faith and make du'a. Allah swt will show a better way to approach truth.

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July 14, 2013

Retire to a Masjid for Remembrance of Allah (Itikaf)


dusty parking space, there stood a skeleton of a Masjid. Patterned grillwork that meant to be  its windows, white ceilings, cemented floor, no tiles at sight. 

Yet, the place charmed me. 
You can hear the birds (their tasbih), feel the cold hard floor and the gentle breeze. Raw and honest, infront of Allah swt, I submitted to Him (prayer). Felt like all the layers are stripped away and its just the qolbu and Allah swt, talking.

After that, just stood there, taking in the tiny details of its structure. All the while, the birds still chirped their tasbih (to Allah swt). 
Because the money needed to finish its construction is limited, yet its function (for prayer) still exists. How I felt nature were praying too. Prayed that one day this Masjid 'will' be built. How they offered their du'a, so that its walls would be erected, its pillars adorned with colour, its floor with soft carpets. 

My mind reflected back to UBD Masjid. How it must've been the same for it, too. How the construction workers, the future jemaah would have looked forward to it. How people prayed and make du'a for it, too. The sincerity, I can almost felt it's seeping from these pillars, cold floor and white ceilings. When it's fully built now, is the sincerity the same? or did the people just came in to feel the air-conditioner and talked about meaningless things, when it used to be where people and nature prayed fervently that one day, this place will be where the ummah would pour their hearts to Allah swt?

What about me?
This Islam, did I looked back on how Rasulullah SAW, the prophets before him had fought so that Islam would stand and reign supreme on His earth? Did I remembered how much blood was shed, tears spent, faith tested, money, body and soul laid out infront of Allah swt...saying, it's either we win or died from it? So that Kalimah Syahadah is on our hearts and lips.

How do you take care of one's sincerity?
when you forget when it seems that Islam had already won, that people are starting to take it for granted?
 How the birds would've wept to Rasulullah saw and Allah swt, "the ummah forgets. The ummah didn't reflect and give thanks for the nikmat You have given."

It's by reminding this self and others. Remember. Remember.
So that ikhlas came, not just from the walls of Masjid, but from the hearts of Mukmin. Protect it (your Qolbu), cleanse it that when you entered its walls, recharged your iman...then, would you spread all over the earth and do good deeds. Spread the message and good-will. Show good akhlak, for those who truly longs for the Masjid stepped outside from its walls 'only' to benefit others. 

Narrated Aishah (RA), the wife of the Prophet (PBUH): “The Prophet (PBUH) used to practise Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practise Itikaf after him.”
(Hadith No. 2026, Book of Itikaf, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3).

More on ihtikaf ->

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July 08, 2013

Wrung out


Heart at my throat...
what is the name for this sudden sadness?
at first I thought it's Ramadhan-related
now I know this heart is weeping for my brothers fighting out there

O Allah, beat the Batil (wrong) with Your Haq (right)!
Beat the Batil with Your Haq!
Beat the Batil with Your Haq!

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May 20, 2013

Contain & In control


It's taking a wild horse by the reins
its the hard tug, the firm yet gentle hold
till it understands that itself needs to know it needs to contain itself
knows the limit and knows how to play by the rules
no matter how much effort to rein it in
it's sabar

to help itself and the surrounding
it needs someone
someone who understand it's situation, yet not giving in to who 'it' is
but rather what 'it' needs to be, the best for itself and others
lest it'll run wild, trample on other people
have no regard for others, no self-discipline
no matter how one sees it
it is running towards its doom

how to save it?
"speak as how you would like to be spoken to,
listen as how you would like to be listened to."

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May 09, 2013

Feed me hope


truthfully, I missed my twins...
their simple kindness that moved me, changed me

"... be better, Teacher." =")

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"... don't force me to become someone who I was, who I left behind."

Part of me hated it, when the unease grows. Yet I know it's part of being responsible, to confess this much.

just because I'm a fighter, you want me to fight?
just because I'm a woman, I should act and feel like it?

don't stereotype me with something I'm against.
'cause I aim for more, a person higher than myself.
don't force me to go down and confirm with human values and wants.

my heart yearns what is beyond dunya
what has Allah swt redha might be not something so obvious
because it always ask us of our own niat
not 'just' do this, do that
and you'd be guaranteed heaven
something more

the faith towards Allah swt

“The strong man is not one who is good at wrestling, But the strong man is one who controls himself in a fit of rage.”
(Al-Bukhâri and Muslim) 

"A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands." 
(Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 2, Number 9) 

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May 07, 2013

The responsible one


Every working days I watched her back. Sometimes as late as 5.30pm. Juggling things which such flexibility it reminds me of a sotong (octopus). You know, with the tentacles and all. Vicious, efficient and creative.

That's why she's in charge of the academic, and not me.
My own cousin. Weird, wacky, outer-worldly...yet, when she's on the job. *jaw-drop* Because she can handle it, the pressure and all. Such strong self-determination.

There's a lots of things I learned from her. Part of it is emotional stability. Recently, I've been hit with a huge blow, lost something, someone. I was heart-broken. I can my life, there has been three such cases. This one, takes longer to heal...I expected myself to last for a week in such ruin. Alhamdulillah, it's Allah's lesson for me...and it took less than that. Tried to locked it inside me, keep it with me, lest they'll be worried. He'll be worried.

In the beginning, I can't. Tried to mask it amongst people, because once I'm alone, the dam burst...and even I can't stop the rain from falling down. I've contemplated. Should I tell her? Should I tell anyone?

I slap (mentally, of course) myself a million times. What I've learned came to me and all it takes is for me to believe in them. That all things lost would be returned, and to Allah swt all of us would return. That there's something I have to learn first...that I have to grow up, and learn to be more serious (not face-serious, but heart, hope and effort-serious) so that I can bear responsibilities. That I'll be able to hold that responsibility, protect it, nurture it and bear witness of the fate that Allah swt would have ordained for us.

...but this one, touched my inner nerve to the core. I was emotionally unstable.

Though, for the first time I felt like I could put my heart in someone else's hand. 
Literally, figuratively...

Thank You, Allah swt, for sending me these two people in my life (my dear Zauj and my cousin). That with their presence, am continually be reminded of You. Their presence closest to me, helped me bit by bit, pick myself up from pieces. Helped me to find myself in company and guide me toward independence.

I...want to be responsible.
The independence, the trust...
The time had passed for me to walk behind someone else's shadow. The time had passed for me to rely on someone to hold my future, to be held accountable for my actions. 

When you 'can' trust yourself (with your mujahadatun nafs, iman), then its time. I want to protect and guide others, too. This hope is a reality, not just a dream.

When you can held yourself accountable, then its time.

"... don't fear failure. Because from failure, do we know how to rise above it."

 - - -

April 29, 2013



"... jangan kalah pada mereka."

I don't know what I'm up against. 
An invincible army? One I can see and one I can't?

Do you know how much fear I felt in my gut?
worrying, just worrying...
considering every act as permanent

one thing I know, and what I've just learned
never have I believe that being alone have its consequence
until now
in the past, it might revive me
now I know, in a long turn, it'll be my downfall
so as a newbie who had just learn to be a me
for inside of me there's this lingering doubt
if two or more voices are better ...
if I can depend, trust others ...
if I can help anyone ...

I'm pushing myself aside
so please tell me it's ok
that it's ok to believe that there'll be a hand, made of flesh and blood to help me through

for there's a mental war raging
I've only conquered one fortress, there's a lot more
and they are sly and slick (syaitan)
tell me it's ok to push myself harder, without fearing the consequence of another
for I only know this
it's Allah swt redha am looking for
... and sometimes the voice inside tells me that sacrifice is better
to sacrifice time, effort...and often, my own heart
with whom and where I want to be, sometimes, I have to look past that
so I'll always look up, look forward to Him, rather than be dragged, be lied to by dunya

"Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini, selain dari main-main dan senda gurau belaka. Dan sungguh kampung akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. Maka tidakkah kamu memahaminya?" 
Surah Al-An'Am ayat 32

Katakanlah: "jika bapa-bapa, anak-anak, saudara-saudara, isteri-isteri, kaum keluargamu, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu khawatiri kerugiannya, dan tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai, adalah lebih kamu cintai dari Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan dari berjihad di jalan-Nya, maka tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan keputusan-Nya". Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang fasik."
At-Taubah, 9: 24

to be ikhlas ... is to do amal consistently, with gradual upgrades
this ikhlas needs time
this ikhlas needs patience
this ikhlas needs the moment when those sacrifices are just like bit of cookies
the tiredness, the tears ... forgotten
cause the distance forward is still long and I got no time to look at the shadows I've left behind
cause the light infront is brighter, embrace me with open arms

so this choice, is clear, isn't it?
the 'why' I'm fighting for

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April 16, 2013

Regret and Forgiveness


Recently, it's a walk on memory lane. Piecing through past events, the words exchanged and uttered, what had been done. Of how does 'that' pieced the present. The Now.

How many years had passed when I left secondary schools, passed through adolescence, learned about love and losses, much had I known then, what I know now? What if I hadn't done this? Had done that? Alhamdulillah, despite had been a lost soul, I've lived a sheltered life...and some 'realities' were protected from me (because of my upbringing, the surrounding environment, my generation). 

I once believed that it doesn't matter, if you do stupid things. Adolescence is like push through extremes to know yourselves better, to test your limits...because one day, you'll reflect upon it, a wiser person. 
But what if you had done something bad, something really really bad?

what if we did something we'll always regret? It seems so insignificant, then. Yet. it continues to haunt our we grow older and older. We forgive, but can we forget?

Thought about that...if I had wanted to say, 
"Your truth is hurting me." 

How can I be that person who can't accept someone as they are?
How can I not believe in Qada and Qadar, despite how painful or dark that past is written as?
Who am I to judge someone's moral conscience, be it past or present?

There are some's ok that we're not ok about it, but...
"I am not taught to criticize the darkness, I am taught to enlighten it." 
-Yusuf Al-Qadrawi 

If it hurts me this much to know that 'that' past exist, what about those who had darker, deeper ones? How much hurt would it be? How can one survives that?

When Khalid Al-Walid embraced Islam, the sahaba claimed that a moment before, he had hated Khalid the most in the world, yet right then, he became someone he had loved the most in the world. That is ukhuwwah. MasyaAllah~ :")

Though...what about the sinner himself/ herself? Wouldn't it still kill ownself (with regret)?
Earlier, on the ride home, somehow am reminded of Hindun (Abu Sufyan's wife). Both are the biggest enemies of Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW, and yet both got the 'chance' to embrace Islam in the end. How had Allah swt still love them.

...and I remember this particular scene, when Hindun urged the Musyrikin (when she was a musyrikin herself) to take avenge on the events of Badr'. She lead the army by bringing their wives along in the war and urged them to head forth, lest they go back, they'll be shun and spat upon by their own wives.

Yet, when she became a muslim and she, too, had participate in a war, she uttered the same line, though with a more noble intention. That if the muslimin men had gone back (as a coward), instead of marching forth as Mujahidin, their wives would feel ashamed. How she knows how to stirred the hearts of men into action.

This person, who Rasulullah SAW had once said, that her blood is halal (wanted list) for the atrocities she had done to muslims, yet is still forgiven and what had she done now?
How did she redeem herself and paid for her past deeds? 
same lines and spirit..yet with a vigor with a much more noble intention. Lillahitaala.

One's past are not necessarily bleak. Inside everyone, Allah swt creates our own specialty...and when that specialty is used for the good, with the right niat... replace that bad deeds with the good.

On the authority of Abu Dharr Jundub ibn Junada and Abu Abdul Rahmaan Muaadh ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with both of them) from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who said, “Fear Allah wherever you are. And follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will wipe it out. And behave towards the people with a good behaviour.” 

The past exists...
The truth may hurts, but learn the hikmah behind it. What kind of person Hindun is now if she's just a normal obedient woman?
she, who had a very bleak past, hold that sword by the helm and claimed her own destiny, to avenge back her 'own' deeds. To repay back a thousand, million have Allah swt redha, The commitment she holds, stronger than the some of the muslim men of her time...because the thought of her past sins pushed her forth.

"That is because Allah would not change a favor which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing."
Al-Anfal, 8:53

...and who is she to those who had done the same deeds? 
She's a role model, a good example of those who wanted to repent and redeem themselves. 
That through her life, many learned the word 'hope'.
Despite how bleak and dark it was, there's light. There's always light.
Just waiting for us to recognize it and take it rather than dwell in regret and self-blame.

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