October 09, 2013

a warm heart


To take time to care for others. 
To make du'a for whoever, whenever, wherever. 
To forgive whenever the heart feels slighted. 
To have faith in people.

The conversation I've had with my mother-in-law warmed me. A true story about a mother's du'a. Her faith in what Allah swt had set for her children. Am raised up in a privilege educated family. To 'know' is one thing, but to 'believe' is an incredible thing. 

By logic, there's a lot of unfair things, but by logic too, there's a lot of fair things in this world. It's a matter how the heart sees things. I'm learning. I'm learning to see past the potholes, the negatives views... and try to leave them to Allah swt first. Second is that my part is to be a good mukmin to others. 

"The hand that gives is better than being on the receiving end."

So I'd rather do this,
to think less about it and to do more

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