June 22, 2010

Allahu Akbar!

: small fist hits air :

"That little boy with his small hands patching the dam that people forget to protect, is wiser than all the wise men taunting his efforts" - Sir N

sahaba -TD

"Great people is not about grand gestures, but the small ones that makes everything counts"

June 18, 2010

in thy heart


it's how one shapes the light, passes through the fingertips. Pierced through shades are glows, outline of window panes, shone through the framed 'Asma Allah'.

The low rumble of air-conditioning, the laptop's cooling fan..the sharp cold.

There are many words, and many actions of this world..but of what, and whose that matters most? i kept thinking of HAB's words..of how the best quote he ever lived through is useful time.

Time..a precious entity.

SQ said it is hard, the path long before us..if we didn't wake up at night to speak to Him, to recharge your iman..it's a long way..of the words we spoke, of the burden we carry on our backs.

That's what i wanted to say ka S. if i wasted my time still..it's not the action, rather the act itself.. not dismissable in any way. because if you treat your life like that..your precious seconds..how are you to hold a universal responsibility??

T'was a long time i didn't reflect.

..and i know it's useless to voiced it. to say that "it hurts" without doing anything.

But i wnat to tell the world this..am done pretending. and t'was not right to live backwards. so, i'll step forward..knowing full well what i'm killing inside me in the process. The procrastinator, the ignorant, the useless..

"samurai didn't exist out of thin air.
it is discipline and self-sacrifice."

You may laugh, saying that there's more people out there to do the deed..let's just say, i want to be one of them.not the one who just observes from the sideline.

..and to Him i seek help, out from a forsaken life.to jump to that wagon of hardship..may it be worth every ounce of my money, strength, voice and soul. one can never truly understand His words, His gifts..had they not thread this path. Know every hardship felt, every sweet and harsh words spoken..i envy them. i envy them.

O Allah,help me to be a Mukmin, not just a Muslim.

Now listening: Yeesung (SuJu) - Cinderella's Stepsister OST

June 11, 2010

Butterfly trail

Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam..

Drawn to a memory, or two.
on a forest trail, sunrays patches on the floor
a lone walk, accompanied by a surprise visit
one, two, three butterflies
white are their wings
leading the way
it'll stop a moment to catch its breath before flying further than before
all the way for that one hour walk

sitting on the bench
with my lovely two kids
eyes benign wonder

H: "Tu teacher, ia kn balik rumah"
Me: "mana ia tinggal?"
H: "ia tinggal di langit."
- Hanisah, KG 2 :D

- - -

(Yaitu) orang yg menjauhi dosa-dosa besar dan perbuatan keji yang selain dari kesalahan-kesalahan kecil. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Maha Luas ampunan-Nya. Dan Dia lebih mengetahui (tentang keadaan) mu ketika Dia menjadikan kamu dari tanah dan ketika kamu masih janin dalam perut ibumu; maka janganlah kamu mengatakan dirimu suci. Dialah yang paling mengetahui tentang orang yang bertakwa."
An-Najm, 53: 32

June 09, 2010


Song: The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Mood: Hope

"i just want You to know who i am"