December 29, 2012



ku fikir jarak ini akan melepasi lautan Atlantik, benua Afrika.
kurasa akan jauh mengenal generasi mereka.
kamu dengan duniamu, aku dengan duniaku?
owh...ini salah. sepatutnya mendekati, kan..


dan apabila membaca tinta mereka...ya, aku kenal ini.
aku kenal peribadi-peribadi ini.
kata-katanya, sifat-sifatnya, karakter-karakternya
setiap orang memang berbeza peribadinya
walhal itulah kelebihan yang Allah swt ciptakan dalam setiap hati manusia
setiap orang berbeza, kekuatan dan kelemahan
tabiat, kesukaan, kebencian
itulah makna dalam masam manis kehidupan

mungkin kerana daku ingin mencari kekuatan
ya, tenagaku juga masih bersifat manusiawi
akal ini insani (pelupa)

menadah tangan, memegang beban mesti letih kan?
jika secara fizikalnya boleh tahan, kenapa tidak emosi dan harapan?

ku ingin jadi mereka...
dialog 2 sahabat:
seorang sahabat (A) ingin sembahyang, dan meminta air wudhu dari si B
Si B menuangkan sedikit air untuk memenuhi tangan si A, lalu tidur
hampir fajar sadiq, ia terbangun
terkejut apabila melihat si A masih tetap ditempat duduknya, air ditangannya tidak berkurangan sedikitpun
tersentak si A apabila ditanya, "apahal kawan?"
"tahukah kamu, sejak kamu meletakkan air ditanganku sehingga saat ini, aku terfikir, terbayang bagaimana itu dunia akhirat."
sehingga lupa
sehingga jasad pun lupa untuk letih

di mana sepatutnya ku letak harapanku?
Ya, pada Allah swt
walaupun hati resah memikirkan batas kemampuanku
kemampuan Allah swt lebih besar, menolong diri menadah apasaja yang diletakkan atas tangan ini

Ya Allah swt
hanya Kau yang tahu batas kemampuanku
ku sangka ini batasku, tetapi Kau kerap memberi lebih dan lebih lagi
sehingga diri pun berfikir, ya, sebenarnya diri ini mampu, masih mampu lagi
titiplah kesabaran padaku, Ya Rabb
agar diri sentiasa benar-benar pasti dan berserah akan ketentuanMu

kerana hanya Kau yang benar-benar kenal diriku

- - -

Speech bubbles


Briefly went to Tamu Kianggeh earlier today, and somehow the buzz have yet to cease. Which words are my own, I wonder?

"... felt like posting kuih cincin to them, maybe next week."

"... need to be as an equal, not as a babysitter."

"... how do you choose? which one is right? 
This career path I didn't know which one to take. Maybe I should try Istikharah."

"... one... two... three... this should be enough."

"... so alike with Rasulullah SAW, his life. So confident was he of the right and wrong, and usually he would step forward in everything, but the few times he falters, it was his wife who stood strong, convincing him of the right."

 "... the 'thought' of walking a few miles and already a white flag? sometimes, I wonder if they're even men. Manja!"

"... they haven't lived our lives. They haven't experience the heat, the broken-down, the pain we went through. Comfort-zone, yes. Sometimes downright unbelievable, yes. But understanding is the essence of acceptance and endurance..and sometimes, its the privilege of pulling the rug from underneath their feet so they'd feel the cold, hard floor. Taste reality and wake up!"

"... undefined by gender, or physical limitations, it's the soul. (Equal in the eyes of Allah swt)"

"... the mind creates he/ she should've... the heart convinces, I can and persevere."

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December 26, 2012



"Didiklah anakmu sesuai dengan zamannya." 
- Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib 

Apabila tersilap langkah, hati mana yang tidak tersayat? 
Apabila tangan yang membentuk, tiba-tiba ditepis kasar, kerana terlalu kuat, terlalu memaksa bagi yang dibentuk. Hati ibu mana yang terasa, hati ayah? Hanya kerana terlupa...rasa bagaimana itu remaja?

Umur 25 tahun...dan 'baru' tahu apa rasanya melihat situasi ini dengan kacamata ibubapa. 
Ya, Remaja. Memberi yang terbaik dalam segala bidang, fasa pencarian, fasa mengenal diri sendiri, fasa menolak diri sehingga batas mana yang ia mampu...sampai kadang-kadang tidak tahu kearah mana ia tuju, atau apabila tahu, kurang fasih membahasakannya.

Ya, Ibubapa. Sarat dengan pengalaman sehingga lupa, apa rasanya itu remaja. Apa rasanya bermula dari tapak, tapak diri sendiri, bukan tapak orang lain. Lupa sehingga apabila cuba membentuk, malangnya telah melukakan, walaupun dengan tidak sengaja. Tandanya ada...dari diamnya mulut, dari bahasa tubuh (mengelak, dll)..tapi saat itu, tidak faham, kerana menganggap semua masaalah itu adalah apa yang diutarakan...sehingga terlewat. Sehingga terlewat memeluk anak yang terluka. :"(

Ya Allah swt, Kaulah yang mengajar...bahawa dalam pahit itu, ada madunya. Jika ini pahit...aku memohon, aku mengharap, madunya ada...ubatnya ada...bukan untuk diri ini, tapi untuk anakku.

Jagalah dia kerana tangan ini tidak berupaya mendekatinya. 
Aku yakin dengan janjiMu, Ya Allah swt.
Urusannya ku hadap padaMu, keyakinannya ku mohon padaMu.
Maka jagalah ia...walau berapa lama ia mencari dirinya. Ya, ia akan sakit, akan terluka dalam pencariannya...tetapi sebagaimana Kau ciptakan luka pada badan, dan Kau juga ciptakan badan untuk menutup luka dengan sendirinya, urusan hati hambaMu Kau lebih mengetahui.

...dan ibubapa, tidak akan putus mendoakannya.
Ya, walau dari jauh...itu tanda kasih sayangnya.

- - -

December 25, 2012

Tuhan Maha Cinta

Nidji - Tuhan Maha Cinta
OST "Sang Pencerah"

Tahukah Tuhanmu selalu hidup di dalam hatimu
Cinta dariNya menjawab semua masalahmu
Dia mendengar melihat dan selalu berfirman
Perangi neraka di dalam hatimu 
Damaikan jiwamu dengan cinta Dia
Memberi yang ikhlas kepada yang butuh
Bersyukurlah terus tanpa kenal waktu

Serukan, ikhlaskan, pasrahkanlah hanya kepadaNya

CintaNya adalah jawabanNya karena Tuhanlah Maha Cinta
Karena Tuhanlah Maha Cinta

Tahukah Tuhanmu selalu hidup di dalam hatimu

Cinta dariNya menjawab semua masalahmu
Dia mendengar melihat dan selalu berfirman
Perangi neraka di dalam hatimu 
Damaikan jiwamu dengan cinta Dia
Memberi yang ikhlas kepada yang butuh
Bersyukurlah terus tanpa kenal waktu

Serukan, ikhlaskan, pasrahkanlah hanya kepadaNya

CintaNya adalah jawabanNya karena Tuhanlah Maha Cinta
Karena Tuhanlah Maha Cinta

- - -

O Allah,
Verily, there's no competition to Your love
in magnitude, in compassion, in hikmah
for I found myself truly bewildered
happy, relieved, thankful at how deep Your love can be
because You return what is lost
You assure when we doubt
You forgive when we regret our sins
You give the solution even through the unspoken
always in the heart of every person, every living being

I remembered the tempest
I also remembered the calm
because my teacher, who guide this heart
even when stepping unto a boat, about to sail to uncharted waters
that hold this soul, head and heart
is You

I remembered 
that although this feet stands on the ground now
to always remember to protect this nikmat well
as a sign of those who is knowledgeable and those who are thankful

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December 07, 2012

Growing up


"What do I want to be when I grow up?"

"I know what I don't want to"

Thinking about it...those words are harsh...yet many spent their adolescent, even up to adulthood thinking that. Mitch Albott narrates in his 'five people you meet in heaven book', how one fights with childhood, how he thought parents are being cruel, inattentive, robs youth of dreams and hope.

It's harsh and unfair.
Yet, why does it rings true?
such as cruel things. it wasn't suppose to happen...yet, it happen. Just as there ARE parents who abandon, abuse or neglect their children.

...but in normal cases...
they're human
serious flaws as they age up, and so would we, actually...when it's our time
what's unforgivable, we might understand as we grow older

but right now...
injustice, frustrations vented out on kids
I mean the mild emotions ones
O loves (sons and daughters), have patience
you might know more
you might know less
even if its unfair, be silent and deliberate before speaking or choosing not to
cry if you must
Allah swt loves you better when you persevere and be patient

don't want to grow up to be like them (act like them)?
then, don't
be better, and forgive them
the way you'd hope your kids would forgive you when 'you' make mistakes, intentional or not

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December 04, 2012

Moving Week


A wee bit hectic this week,
work keeps on piling up, one after another
report-writing, furniture-moving, book-hunting
it's december, and I don't think I'll get any closure anytime soon

kept telling myself that it's a phase
a new life in every direction: family, work
wishes upon wishes
expectations upon expectations
hopes upon hopes

it's been nagging
a feeling that stings, like iron rust, a misplaced violin chord
a sweet pain named melancholy
when there's something in life you missed
and kept looking at your back 
trying to catch a glimpse of it

maybe because I haven't had a proper goodbye to them
to B, to my lovely twins
like a scratch on a mirror
as if trying to find a balm to smooth that surface

"part of it (love) ... is also letting go."

because I missed them :"(

what kind of person cries everytime she sees her six-years-olds graduate?
when seeing two green money packets?

Afwan my loves, this silly teachers of yours is also a child at heart
thank you for still believing in me and love me unconditionally
regardless of all of those flaws and faults
thank you for your sweetness and loveliness that has been matchless, up till now

yes, am letting go
yet, it doesn't mean the air is less cheery, less vacant from your presence
Gah! *face-palm*
right now am hopeless

no matter what
it's still du'a
I want to see you girls again
and hopefully, that essence would still be part of your character

- - -

November 30, 2012



"... ain't kidding from where I'm standing (or sitting)."

This surface is real
Connected, even if only in essence
People and places shift, but not thy footsteps

"Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

[Such believers are] the repentant, the worshippers, the praisers [of Allah ], the travelers [for His cause], those who bow and prostrate [in prayer], those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and those who observe the limits [set by] Allah . And give good tidings to the believers." 

At-Taubah,9: 111- 112

"It is He who made the earth tame for you - so walk among its slopes and eat of His provision - and to Him is the resurrection."
Al-Mulk, 67: 15

O traveller,
La Tahzan, place your life and wealth to Allah swt
start your journey with pure intention, solely for Allah swt
whether you may be taught a lesson from it
or  found ways to know His attributes (Asmaul Husna)
or ways to gain His redha

don't stay
except to reflect
then go, spread to the ends of the earth
you may find your guide in the unlikeliest of form

- - -

November 18, 2012



Allah SWT berfirman:
"Dan Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah selain Dia & hendaklah kamu berbuat baik pada ibu bapamu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Jika salah seorang di antara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjutan dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada keduanya perkataan “ah” & janganlah kamu membentak mereka & ucapkanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia."
(Al-Israa', 17: 23)

Allah SWT berfirman:
"Katakanlah (Muhammad):
“Marilah aku bacakan apa yang diharamkan Tuhan kepadamu:
Janganlah kamu mempersekutukan-Nya dengan apa pun,
berbuat baiklah terhadap kedua orang ibu bapa,
janganlah kamu membunuh anak-anakmu kerana miskin.."
(Al-An'am, 6: 151)

- - -

"bersabarlah atas apa yang menimpamu..tegakkan agama dalam hati dan berlakulah ihsan terhadap kedua ibubapa mu." - cermin

- - -

La Taghdab


Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that a man said to the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam:

"Advise me! "The Prophet said, "Do not become angry and furious." The man asked (the same) again and again, and the Prophet said in each case, "Do not become angry and furious."

[Al-Bukhari; Vol. 8 No. 137]

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November 13, 2012

Matter of thought


"...right now...I only have Allah swt."

like a painted canvas, trying to figure out the message it tries to give, the colors used, the technique, the beauty..
right now might be a hectic mess, emotional more than the physical exhaustion

O Allah swt, You told me to be patient
You told me to remain quiet in the fight of words, 
and in that silence, work through solution to that problem

"And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful." 
Ibrahim, 14:34

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November 11, 2012



"am happy"

met my bestfriend today :"D

- - -

initially, intended to write about M's wedding ceremony earlier today - about the impromptu Form 6 reunion, about the whirlwind of happenings, birth, marriage, conversions, etc...
yet my head can only wrap itself around that one thought
"I met my bestfriend today"

Truthfully, over the clouds about it
it's M's day...yet somehow, literally, we are the only one left in that hall section
chatting away of all those years, when her  9-year-old self first inspired me to 'care' how a glass door should fit into its frame...about the present, our friends and our wacky jobs, our futures
just to be able to walk side-by-side
all those years realizing just how precious and valuable those times are
Alhamdulillah~ :")

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November 04, 2012

what grows


"..i never knew"

- - -

kindness in a palm


" a cruel teacher, I admit that, and yet they're still adamant with their own little ways."

There's a new routine my twin kids recently developed. It started this week, right after Eidul Adha. The first day, was a colored-in card (it's paper torn from an exercise book). 
Their gesture made me laugh. I used to do the same thing to my favourite teacher in elementary school (garfield sticky paper, drawings, etc). 
The second day, it's a Hari Raya money envelope. 
My eyes rounded, uh-oh, did I forgot if I asked their parents to pay for something? Photos? Stationary?
N-uh, for me?
Last self-conclusion, must've been the Hari Raya thing. O-kay~~
Third day, the sister hold another envelope shyly. 
"sweet jua durang ani...tapi...duit ani dri mana exactly?"
Fourth day, a plastic butterfly.

o-kay~~ no matter how sweet that is..I seriously started to worry about their brother's and mother's belonging. My loves are known to bring whatever they can have their hands on.

so, I replied their little affections with my own cruel grown-up ways
give it to your mum, that's better
they were a bit downcast, yes
but I'd rather have them salaam me everyday rather than give me these little gifts

kindness is already at the palm of your hand
and I've received and cherished it almost everyday.

that's enough.

...and I got an early birthday gift from a store yesterday. Serious, it's my first time as a customer there. 
saw my juniors at the exhibition. it's been a long time. saw someone I've prayed for a long time to come home, and there he is, finally.

So overall, it's a great day. One wrapped in a big bow.
Thank You, Allah swt~ for this gift.

- - -

October 27, 2012

Eidul Adha


"Their meat will not reach Allah , nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good."

“Dari Aisyah r.a. katanya; Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Tiada amalan anak Adam pada hari Aidil Adha yang disukai Allah selain daripada menyembelih korban. Korban-korban itu akan datang kepada orang yang melakukannya pada hari kiamat seperti keadaan semula, iaitu dengan anggotanya, tulangnya, tanduknya dan bulunya. Darah korban itu lebih dahulu jatuh ke suatu tempat yang disediakan Tuhan sebelum jatuh ke atas tanah. Oleh sebab itu, berkorbanlah dengan senang hati”.

(at-Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah)

- - -

"..a certain kind of sadness"

untapped waters
underneath..cold and dark
it's unsolved

somehow...time kept being pulled from beneath us
fate wouldn't let it
and these dangerous waters kept piling up

what's it for, O Allah swt?
so that when the glass breaks, we'd know?
what we really are?
how bonds can unite and break?
how strong would you hold unto them?
how strong would oneself hold unto Allah?

when dunya is taken from us
it's ok
Prophets Ismail a.s and Ibrahim a.s (pbuh) love for Allah swt
extends beyond their own blood-relationship
extends beyond what future may brings it
extends what whispers aimed to stray oneself from the straight path
that kind of submission
full and wholeheartedly

so that when that sacrifice is made
You exchange Prophet Ismail a.s (pbuh) with a ram
as a reward for those who do good deeds

what intention have I when that flesh and blood passed through these fingers?
that it'd be treated as any ordinary day, any ordinary meat?


this to remind us
how Tauhid is being raised above anything else
when one does have that kind of position in his/her heart
to admit and fully accept the power that govern his/her life
even if threatens to take one closest to you
to choose Allah swt, nevertheless...

just when I thought the decision is being taken from me
it's Yours, O Allah swt
it has always been Yours for the taking

"Hearts in the hand of another heart and in God's hand are all hearts"

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October 23, 2012



a tractor pulled through and swept the debris away
what's left is its own track lines
patterned against the puffy dried soil

a hand patted the earth
small as a child's
indeed a child, she is, yet her eyes speak otherwise

physically forced away from home
now returning, all that's left are these dust
reality lost, memories remains

a loud snap shattered the brief moment of silence
a pair of boots led to a pair of sympathetic eyes and forced smile
internal war waging, beaten by a momentary shutter

eyes now opened, the hand beckoned
"Let's go home."

"Where's home, 'yah?"

"It's still here, anakku."

- - -

" my brothers and sisters around the world
who are rebuilding their lives

the past exist, no matter how they're wiped clean
the land remembers of their origin

it's what kind of future are being rebuilt from it."

"Indeed He grows from a black burnt soil,
from a destitute land
for such things are easy for Him.
Do they not reflect on the state of hearts?
(from asleep/ dead hearts to full awareness)"

- - -

October 20, 2012



Song: Sami Yusuf - Wherever you are

"...when words of mouth and heart are the same
that's amanah."

- - -

This one is for my late uncle.
who passed away whilst I was in the first year of form 6 (pre-university)

as of lately...
somehow he's always there, 
that fleeting memory of him, as clear as yesterday, as benevolent as a dream.
his rocking chair (where they found him)
of the unfinished kitchen tile (which his son finished during his mother's grief)
but mostly, the living, breathing evidence of him.

his family would have their daily Maghrib prayer together
have saum (puasa) to the best of their own ability
their kindness and polite ways
simple and humble as their father

a thoroughly ordinary man
but am continually amazed of how his qudwah shown through from this small of a roof
an aura flowing, always, as if he never left

This kind man..

"I missed you, Paci W. 
I hope you're among the solihin."

- - -

October 17, 2012

The wise


"why wouldn't you loan a car?"

"because its seven years with interest.
..and because I don't know what'll happen to me tomorrow."

Sayyidina Umar r.a says: "I was one among ten people who came into the presence of Rasulullah SAW (pbuh). One Ansari stood up and asked Nabi SAW): 
"Who is the most intelligent and careful person?" 
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied: "Those people who remember death most and prepare for it most. These are people who have excelled in the nobility of this world and the honor of the hereafter." 

- - -

"why would you watch those korean variety shows (up to the point of obsession)?"

"because it's fun, simple genuine humour, because of the great ideas for games...but actually, mostly because it's entertaining."
"so you do know, despite the benefits, it's actually a waste of time...just like manga, games, etc?"
"yeah" don't be a spoilsport, will ya'. I'm trying to cool myself of.

“A wise person is one who guards and restrains himself from that which is harmful and strives for that which will benefit him after death
The foolish one is he who gives into his cravings and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his futile desires.” (Riwayat Imam At-Tirmidzi)

Entertainment, if mild and within syara' is acceptable...but not when that entertainment takes up your your favor, in speech, in action, in your akhlak
don't be fooled, my brothers and sisters
because if you follow a people's lifestyle, you'll become that very people you adore (and worship)
where's the lifestyle of Rasulullah SAW and sahaba you used to follow?
what's the use of those games, if the intention was to just spend time playing?
what's the use of 'studying' culture, just to become like them, to favour their 'styles' and way of living?

am not condemning
cause I've been in those shoes

just..ask your heart..what's your state of iman?
does it increase or decrease?
does muhasabah (self-reflection/ self-assessment) even matter to you anymore?

"judge our own end, by what we're doing at present."
be wise..O brothers and sisters

"Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? .."
- Al-Hadid, 57:16
am ashamed of myself
because he was better than me
because despite his sins, his akhlak is admirable
his faith towards Allah swt
so that verse..thank you, O brother of mine~ :"(
I understood, finally
don't play around with faith if you're a person of thought

- - -

October 14, 2012

why not?


a positive negative question

"why not?" if to dare someone to say otherwise

"why not?"

"cause life is about that one possibility."

begin with the end in mind
when you look so much forward to it
you'll feel a deep regret even at the thought of losing it
missing it the entire time
the heart's fervent wish

then that life is for that destination
not to be distracted by the little toys of this world
a real dream

I know am not worthy of it, yet I couldn't bear having the alternative
coz' Jannah is Your gift
a true reward

...and a true reward goes to a true person
3 signs of a complete iman are:
1. Someone who is fair to him/herself
2. To give provisions for others even in times of own poverty
3. To easily give salaam to a Mukmin/ Solihin

there's a lot of reasons why ownself is far from ever getting that possibility
Ya Rahman~ Ya Rahim~

so.. "why not?"

"strive on..till it's decided by You, O Allah swt"

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