October 14, 2012

why not?


a positive negative question

"why not?"
..as if to dare someone to say otherwise

"why not?"

"cause life is about that one possibility."

begin with the end in mind
when you look so much forward to it
you'll feel a deep regret even at the thought of losing it
missing it the entire time
the heart's fervent wish

then that life is for that destination
not to be distracted by the little toys of this world
a real dream

I know am not worthy of it, yet I couldn't bear having the alternative
coz' Jannah is Your gift
a true reward

...and a true reward goes to a true person
3 signs of a complete iman are:
1. Someone who is fair to him/herself
2. To give provisions for others even in times of own poverty
3. To easily give salaam to a Mukmin/ Solihin

there's a lot of reasons why ownself is far from ever getting that
but...one possibility
Ya Rahman~ Ya Rahim~

so.. "why not?"

"strive on..till it's decided by You, O Allah swt"

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