October 22, 2009

"He who has never learned to obey

cannot be a good commander."
- Aristotle

sounds a lot like life, doesn't it?
if you, yourself, could not follow
how do you expect to be followed?

didn't matter you have rendered yourself invincible to others
you ARE still important to some
your parents
your siblings
your friends
your spouses
your children

your conscience...

i say 'you' a lot
when, really..
knock on the door to the soul (heart)
and see if there's a reply


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October 20, 2009

: Ukhuwwah :

ukhuwwah yang di bina
biarlah seperti seutas tasbih
ada permulaan tiada penghujung
di cipta untuk mengingatiNya
dibahagi untuk cintaNya
di rasa demi redhaNya

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October 12, 2009

Thank you, kind sir..

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October 10, 2009

the one i see in the mirror..

a short clip from a Hollywood series..mau!! ^^

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October 09, 2009

: To a blind city :

In every road, street, lane and alley
and at every roundabout in the city
a slogan rings out -
Freedom for the sun,
Freedom for the sun.
Those who demand such freedom - are they blind?
- Iftikhar Alif, "The Twelfth Man"

came across this poem..
and can't help wondering..

rode the highway today
the way the sunlight breaks through the clouds
the way it just illuminate the world down below..

freedom for the sun?
the sun itself 'is' light and free to shine

who is actually the one in darkness?

i heard once about hidayah
how His benevolence spreads the whole entirety of His own creation
we ask for so many
money, life partner, children, status, fame..
that we missed the very light that has always been given to us
the gift of sight, of hearing, of speech, of limbs, of movement, of breath, of every heartbeat still beating..
money can't buy 'one' second
children can't buy your own 'time'
money and fame can't buy an 'ounce' of true happiness

we want more..more..more..
are you blind?

the words resound
and i've only realised...
how ungrateful one can be
one can forget
and yet, does the sun stops shining on us?
does He stop giving us so much?

O Allah,
forgive me for i've been blind
blind from seeing (remembering) You
blind from thanking You

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"Maka sabarlah engkau atas apa yg mereka katakan,
dan bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu,
sebelum matahari terbit,
dan sebelum terbenam,
dan bertasbihlah pada waktu tengah malam
dan di hujung siang hari ,
agar kamu merasa tenang."


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October 04, 2009



renew centre..

- The Samurai within

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October 03, 2009

: Doa anak kecil :

Terngiang-ngiang titah sultan, "kan doa kanak2 kecil itu makbul,kerana mereka berdoa dlm keadaan meraka masih dlm fitrah yg suci.."

"setiap anak yg dilahirkan adalah seperti lembaran putih, yg mewarnainya adalah ibubapanya..yg menjadikannya majusi,kristian atau islam."

Terketuk kotak ingatan beberapa tahun yg lalu..aku di besarkan dalam keadaan itu..sebuah suasana yang sangat naif dan suci.Tiada perkataan buruk, tiada ucapan nista dan sia-sia..dan aku teringat akan sebuah doa.

do you realize..that sometimes when a child look at you with those eyes..it seems like they know more than you realize?

Melalui mata ini memandang keluar jendela dunia..terasa asap kelabu, pekat dan sesak (bad energy)..fitrah kanak2 mcm tu..terasa kan serap semua kejahatan, keburukan dunia..
with just one small offer to God.

"Ya Allah, maafkanlah mereka."

Membesar,memang lembaran putih sudah dialit dengan pelbagai warna..tapi sekurang-kurangnya diri masih ingat akan wujudnya lembaran putih..lapisan pertama yang masih ada dipelusuk Qolbu ini.

Forward back pada zaman ani..*stab*

wahai hati..
tegarkah kamu melihat kanak-kanak itu berpakaian seperti 10 tahun lebih dari usia sebenar mereka? sleeveless, backless, tights, shorts, high heels?? Telinga itu sudah pernah mendengar bermacam-macam swear words..mulut kecil lancar mengikuti tanpa mengetahui maksud..

They're only Five, people??
Parents..what have 'you' done?
Society..what have 'you' done?

Sekurang2nya generasi kita pernah merasai lembaran putih..walaupun kerap dilabel 'tradisional' dan 'kuno' masa kini..
tapi lihatlah apa yg 'moden' masa ni?

O parents..you raise them up for them to be mature and independent.
does that include allowing an opposite sex 'touching' your daughters??
Your son..doing those things??

membesar dalam keadaan itu..kamu sangka akan ada lagikah doa kanak2 yg meminta keampunan bagi setiap remaja,belia dan dewasa yg melakukan dosa? bila mulut kecil itu sudah berani menyumpah pada setiap orang dijumpainya?

Banjir, Jerebu, Tanah susur, Angin Kuat..rolled into one hanya dalam jangka masa satu tahun ni saja.. Negara yang selama ini aman damai daripada semua benda tu..tiba2 berlaku semua ani..kamu tak sedarkah 'kenapa'?


Masa depan apa yg telah kita 'sediakan' untuk mereka?

Masa kini apa yang kamu 'hidup' sekarang?

Bila lenyap suara kecil mendoakan kita dengan tulus ikhlas...

"selamatkah kita?"

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"Nothing destroys spirit like poverty. "
- BJ, 2007

In literal meaning..poverty of wealth.
It can drives a person off the wall
tattering at the edge, saying
"i've got nothing!
i've got nothing!"

... when world is your heart
... your goal

there are some stories in which otherwise is true
that love and strength of moral conduct prevails despite lack of income
Little women
Little princess

better said than done
but what's done...that's what makes the struggle more admirable
what makes it bearable

the 'niat'

The worst poverty lies in the heart..
when for too long they've been

we live inside the hearts of men (and women)
we ravage and we plunder
we vow THIS
as long as you forget to remember Him
we're there

- Public Enemy No.1

A father left this will to his daughter
"Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar"
33 times each

don't believe me?
try it
whether you are poor
in wealth
or in heart

what else have you got to lose?

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