June 26, 2012



"under the same sky"

the stark contrast against the dark sky
a clean split, despite being whole
one half shadowed, another illuminated
seeing you so bright

and there's this ache
can only name one for its pain


why did you told me, KM?
the one to introduce us about Surah Asy-syams
why are you led astray? :"(

...up until now, I've always believed
if you meet because of Allah
you can only part because of Allah
because if anything
I hope you'd be my family/ neighbor in Jannah

to leave now
for reasons tied to dunya
I can't accept it
would always wait
for you to come back

a teacher once confessed this
no matter what
your heart is always tied to the brother you had faith tied to
would always keep on hoping
when the day came
when he appeared (returned)
no words can describe it

or rather
only one could


June 2012
these hearts break
but we're waiting
Le Familia
we're here

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June 25, 2012

To Forgive..


"The heart of a muslim is like a bird.."

Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas reported that the Prophet Muhammad said, "It is my desire/love that Surahtul Mulk should be in the heart of every Muslim’"

Abu Huraira reported that Muhammad said, “The Qur’an contains a surah of thirty ayats which will intercede for a man until he is forgiven. It is: ‘Blessed be He Who has the Kingdom in His Hand!’ 


"Jadilah engkau pemaaf.."

"Jadilah engkau pemaaf dan suruhlah orang mengerjakan yang ma'ruf, serta berpalinglah dari pada orang-orang yang bodoh." 
Surah Al-A'raf,7:199


"..yang bersih hati dan lapang dada"

Dalam suatu riwayat disebutkan bahwa Abdullah bin 'Amr dibikin penasaran oleh ''keistimewaan'' salah seorang Anshar. 
Pasalnya, setiap kali melihat orang itu, Nabi SAW selalu berkata, ''Ini dia calon penghuni surga!'' 
Setelah diteliti dan diselidiki, Abdullah menjadi tahu keistimewaan orang itu. 
Dia adalah orang yang bersih hati dan lapang dada. 
(H.R. Ahmad).

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5 jenis dugaan yang kerap ditimpa seorang muslim adalah:

i) Orang Mukmin yang dengki kepadanya
ii) Orang Munafiq yang membencinya
iii) Orang kafir yang mahu memeranginya
iv) Syaitan yang hendak menyesatkannya
v) Nafsu yang sentiasa bertarung dengannya

..dan ciri-ciri Imaniyyah untuk menjadi manusia yang Rabbani (iaitu beberapa sifat-sifat yang terkandung di dalam ayat suci) adalah:

i) Orang yang sentiasa bertaubat
ii) Orang yang ‘abid
iii) Orang yang sentiasa bertahmid memuji Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala
iv) Orang yang berpuasa atau berkelana
v) Orang yang rukuk dan sujud
vi) Orang yang sentiasa menyuruh yang ma’ruf, mencegah yang munkar
vii) Orang yang sentiasa menghormati batasan-batasan Allah SubhanahuWata’ala

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June 24, 2012

The growing


from a ghuraba
to this nation's "Negara Zikir"

only You could've made it happened, O Allah
Ya Rahman~ Ya Rahim~
My praise could never exceed Your own :")

The Prophet and Messenger of Allah (alayhi salatul wasalam) has told us in an authentic hadith, "Islam began as something strange, and it will return as something strange, so give glad tiding to the strangers (ghurabaa)." (Collected by Muslim)

Katakanlah: "Aku tidak berkuasa menarik kemanfaatan bagi diriku dan tidak (pula) menolak kemudharatan kecuali yang dikehendaki Allah. Dan sekiranya aku mengetahui yang ghaib, tentulah aku membuat kebajikan sebanyak-banyaknya dan aku tidak akan ditimpa kemudharatan. Aku tidak lain hanyalah pemberi peringatan, dan pembawa berita gembira bagi orang-orang yang beriman".
Surah Al-A'raf, 7: 188

left behind
not ghostly footprints
but live words
Alhamdulillah~ :")

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June 21, 2012


belajar erti ikhlas
agar mengapai redhaMu

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June 18, 2012



5 years and counting..

it's my favorite picture of us
standing there, backdrop of a waterfall

5 years had passed
and I can hardly believed it

to stand there, to still be here
when life had ripped from us
through obstacles
through loose threads

am still dumbfounded
is it true?
is this ukhuwwah real?

5 years later
what it'll be?

my loves, you said your heartbeats were loud
at the thought of going back there

what is this, O Allah swt?

to remind us
why we met (because of Allah swt)
what we vow to uphold (ibadah & khalifah)
who we are to be (a true muslim - solat, ibadah, life and death)

"Hadis daripada Abu Hurairah,Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda...
Apabila akhirat nanti, ada 7 orang yang akan mendapat naungan Allah.Mereka adalah..dua lelaki (sahabat) yang berkasih sayang kerana Allah, bertemu dan berpisah  kerana Allah  dgn mengharapkan keredhaannya..."

I want to see that video again

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June 12, 2012

Live records


Walls have memories
sands are witnesses
times may change, but places..

existence lingers
words drift as whispers of the wind
but the land remembers

of long-held expectations
the way universe would hum in anticipation
till the day arrived

why weep?
dear clouds

heart-broken as you are
you're still there
high up in the sky

cry is a sign of mercy
there is hope
as long as there's one who held unto his legacy

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June 08, 2012

sound of the ocean


I heard it again
the loud gentle roar

deep ocean,
what knowledge you wanted me to partake?

twas' the tale of Nabi Yunus a.s,
who got tired of his people (in their disbelieving/ disobeying Allah swt)
and he ran
to catch a ship voyage to the sea 
to a new land
to new people
yet, Allah swt planned differently
the sky thundered
and the sea shaken
"what?" "why?", they asked
what could've made the God angry?

they put everything to chance
that for the one who lost
be thrown to the sea
once, twice
what is this?
why is the most gentle, soleh man lost in this game of chance
He finally understood
O Allah swt, am I one of the dzalimun?

thrown to the sea
 suddenly a huge figure arose
a deep voice that reflects the sound of the deepest ocean
swallowed in the belly of the beast
or rather, another of His hamba
the whale (nun) fasted as Nabi Yunus a.s had fasted
to preserve his live of 40 days
until he truly gets it

I did wrong
I did wrong
I'm sorry, please forgive me
verily I did a grave wrong
in a half-conscious state, the whale (nun) threw up, along with his body to the shore
papaya trees grew nearby
he took strength, nurse himself back to health
and came back to his people
to his surprise
in his absence, his last warning had gripped their hearts and they repented
before they could proclaim their syahdah from him
he had dissapeared (escaped to the sea)

now that he had returned...
Alhamdulillah~ Alhamdulillah~ Alhamdulillah~ :")

now I know, O Allah
that tale was to comfort me, wasn't it? :")
sound of deep ocean

"And [mention] the man of the fish, when he went off in anger and thought that We would not decree [anything] upon him. 
And he called out within the darknesses, "There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.
So We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers."
Al-Anbiya, 21:87-88

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O Allah
only You know what war I'm fighting
help me
help me to be stronger than I already am

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"Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahuanhu, sesungguhnya Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi wasallam bersabda: Siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir hendaklah dia berkata baik atau diam, siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir hendaklah dia menghormati tetangganya dan barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir maka hendaklah dia memuliakan tamunya"
 - Riwayat Bukhori dan Muslim

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June 04, 2012



Sayyidina ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab once said, “If gratitude and endurance were two camels, I would not mind which of the two I mounted."

Both gratitude and endurance are provisions for the Muslim on his journey towards Allah swt. This was why the following verse has been repeated many times in the Noble Qur’an,

“Surely, therein are signs for ever patient [and] thankful person. ”
 Ibrahim, 14: 5

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