June 29, 2009


Assalamualaikum wrb
Nak cerita psl apa? =) Ttg Mujahadah terbesar ana..

"Sesungguhnya Kami mengemukakan amanah kepada langit, bumi dan gunung-ganang tetapi mereka enggan memikulnya dan berasa berat dengannya, sebaliknya ia dipikul oleh insan. Sesungguhnya meraka amat zalim lagi jahil."
- Al-Ahzab: 72

.. dalam erti kata, amanah adalah sesuatu yg amat berat sampaikan makhluk-makhluk Allah yg basar mcm langit,bumi dan gunung-ganang pun inda mampu untuk memikulnya, pasal mereka sadar apabila amanah ini dikihianati, azab menunggu durang. On the other hand, manusia yang damit ani plang sanggup menerimanya. Justeru sebahagian daripada manusia mendapat azab Allah kerana mengkhianatinya. Mereka yang cuai adalah golongan yang zalim lagi jahil.

Amanah ni apa?

"Amanah adalah Islam, ibadah yang fardu dan batas-batas agama." Imam Qatadah
"Amanah adalah tanggungjwab yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak makhluk sama ada berbentuk perbuatan, perkataan ataupun kepercayaan." Imam Al-Alusi

Amanah seperti apa saja yang ada?

"Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati, semuanya akan dipertanggungjawabkan."
- al-Israk: 36

Sahabat Ubai bin Kaab berkata, "Amanah dituntut dalam setiap perkara termasuk wudhu', solat, zakat, mandi wajib, puasa, timbangan dan takaran (dalam perniagaan)."

Sometimes tani ambil things and someone for granted. Mcm kna suruh buat keraja, for example, basuh pinggan. Konon tani 'nalih', tani bagi tia arah adi tani. Sama jua tani kaka or abang. Read the lines,my dear, read the lines..

Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari, nabi berkata, "Apabila amanah diabaikan orang,tunggulah waktu kehancuran (hari kiamat)?" Seorang lelaki bertanya kepada nabi. "Bagaimanakah amanah diabaikan?" Jawab nabi, "Apabila sesuatu urusan diserahkan kepada orang yg bukan ahlinya, tunggulah kehancuran (Hari Kiamat)."

and some amanah is bigger. so really..jgn cuai, jgn lalai. *peringatan untuk diri sendiri jua*

Memilih Kawan:
Mengikut Imam Tirmizi, nabi berkata yang bermaksud, "Manusia mengikut agama kawannya. Maka hendaklah diperhatikan orang yang hendak dijadikan kawan kamu."

Kawan is someone yg tani tends to be together A LOT. kawan tani adalah cermin tani sendiri. Pilihlah mereka yg dapat help shape you to be a better person.

Memilih Pasangan Hidup:
Imam Bukhari dan Muslim melaporkan, nabi berkata, "Pilihlah (wanita) dari kalangan yang baik agamanya nescaya kamu akan selamat."
Mengikut Imam Tirmizi pula, nabi berkata, "Jika (lelaki) yang datang meminang itu seorang yang kamu redhai agama dan akhlaknya (terimalah) dan kahwinlah dia."

i know..topik ni sensitip sikit (sensitip 'banyak' lah banarnya), tapi izin kn hamba yg doif ini memberi sebuah advice. mmg payah kn cari that 'someone' yg jaga solat dan berakhlak yg baik. Jarang banar tah tu,tapi bila jumpa "wow~ :'D" STOP! Alum abis..jgn sampai bila tani jumpa that 'someone' kira hubungan kamu tu ok udah. pass udah. apa nya urang.. d'redhai Allah? Pikir kamu lapas atu,ok lah tu selit2 kn "sayang,i love you becoz' of Allah."?? *ehem* refer balik ayat ataaaaas tadi tu pasal pendengaran, penglihatan DAN hati. There is such thing called zina mata, zina telinga dan zina hati,walaupun org atu kamu kira kuat iman..masih manusia.masih lelaki dan masih perempuan. so..laju2tah kahwin. elakkan maksiat,k.. -peace-

Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar:
Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat Imam Tirmizi, nabi berkata, "Demi Allah hendaklah kamu mengajak kepada makruf dan hendaklah kamu mencegah mungkar dan jika ini tidak dilakukan akan datanglah kepadamu balasan berbentuk seksaan daripada Allah dalam masa yang terdekat dan ketika itu kamu semua akan berdoa sedangkan Allah tidak akan mengabulkan doa-doa kamu."

salinglah nasihat-menasihati, tapi jgn mcm lori langgar saja. Tegur tu biarlah berhikmah..and kadang2, action speaks louder than words. jgn cakap saja tapi diri sendiri inda buat. Amar makruf nahi mungkar doesn't mean asal kamu sampaikan saja --> ertinya kamu pun ikut dan mengamalkan sama.

Mendidik keluarga kearah kebaikkan:
"Wahai mereka yg beriman, peliharalah dirimu dan keluargamu daripada api neraka.."
- At-Tahrim: 6

Hadiah terbaik yg boleh kamu berikan arah anak kamu adalah pendidikan Islam dan akhlak yg baik. mcm cerita Luqman al-hakim dalam Qur'an.

Menegakkan Islam sepenuhnya:
"Wahai mereka yg beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam islam secara keseluruhannya dan janganlah kamu turut langkah-langkah syaitan. Syaitan merupakan musuh yang nyata bagimu."
- Al-Baqarah: 208

Menuntut Ilmu:
Mengikut Imam Ibn Majah, nabi berkata, "menuntut ilmu adalah satu perkara yang diwajibkan ke atas setiap muslim."

whoa! Heavy ah..that's what i felt,too. Tapi kdg2 perlu utk mengingatkan diri supaya tidak lalai, tidak menutup telinga, menutup mata akan sebuah hakikat. Ya Allah,semoga Engkau redha dan merahmati mujahadah ku. Jgn biarkan kejahilan ku sendiri menghalang hamba-hamba Mu memperoleh kebenaran dan hidayahMu.

and i like this ayat so so much when things get heavy.
".. sungguh, engkau hanyalah seorang pemberi peringatan dan Allah pemelihara segala sesuatu."
- Hud: 12

O Allah,my cherish Perserver. ^^

- - -

June 23, 2009

: fahmu :

Assalamualaikum wrb
Dalam rumah kecil itu ana fhm satu perkara -- "kamu boleh bina dunia untukmu dan untuk org sekeliling mu"

asal satu,jaga hubungan mu dgn Allah dan jagalah hubungan mu dgn manusia. Lebur ais dari penjuru hatiku melihat mereka..mereka..dgn 2 tangan dan 2 kaki mereka..boleh. Kemampuan kita..mulalah dgn rumah kecil mu.

seperti Nabi Ismail a.s dan Hajar di padang pasir yg menjadi Mekah yg berkembang pesat. Biar tandus bumi,jgn tandus hati. =)

June 17, 2009

: Warm Hue of Autumn :

"Dan berilah perumpamaan kepada mereka (manusia), kehidupan dunia adalah sebagai air hujan yang Kami turunkan dari langit, maka menjadi subur karenanya tumbuh-tumbuhan di muka bumi, kemudian tumbuh-tumbuhan itu menjadi kering yang diterbangkan oleh angin. Dan adalah Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.

Harta dan anak-anak adalah perhiasan kehidupan dunia tetapi amalan-amalan yang kekal lagi saleh adalah lebih baik pahalanya di sisi Tuhanmu serta lebih baik untuk menjadi harapan."

Al-Kahfi: 45-46

June 11, 2009

10 Reasons to Fall in Love

I decided to simply mention ten points related to Prophet Muhammad. They are definitely not the only reason I love this great man for, but they are simply ten reasons that have always stopped me in awe and respect.

My ten points are:

1. His Human Self

He was never distant from humanity. He smiled, loved, cried and felt pain. He walked, moved, ate and showered. He was a human prophet, not an angelic prophet, so it is really applicable to follow him as a role model.

When I make a mistake or become a bit lazy about being good, Prophet Muhammad's real model takes me back to the right track. I tell myself: "He was human, to make it easy for us. It was also difficult for him, but he made it. So, I will try again, and I will make it as he did."

2. His Fatherhood

His fatherhood , to Lady Fatimah, has always amazed me. In a society that degraded women and rejected the birth of females to the extent that they would bury them alive, he cherished all his daughters, and specially Lady Fatimah.

She was the closest to his heart. Whenever she would drop in on one of his meetings, he wouldn't ever ask her to leave, because he was busy. But, he would stand up in "cherishing respect" and move to welcome her, so she wouldn't be embarrassed. Then he would kiss her on her forehead and have her seated next to him.

3. His Loyal Love to Lady Khadijah

The way he continued to love and cherish Lady Khadijah after her death has always been an expression of devotion in my eyes. During her life, they lived in a society that accepted multiple marriages for men, which would extend to endless numbers of wives for one man. Though she was much older than him, for 25 years, he never went for another marriage with any another woman.

He respected and loved his wife dearly. He cherished her days dearly after her death and expressed his longing to her days by cherishing her friends. He would sit around with her best friend for long hours chatting about "Khadijah's good old days".

4. His Patience at the Deaths of his Children

His children's deaths have always caused my heart to ache. We might theorize a lot or preach a lot about the patience of prophets, but do we really feel it? I keep on wondering how this lovely tender man tolerated the death of all his children, all except one, in his lifetime. How would any father feel, when he reaches his sixties and finds himself burying a child after the other?

Prophet Muhammad's patience never contradicted his sadness and grief. He grieved and experienced deep sadness. When his babyson Ibrahim died, he grieved deeply. He held him in his arms at his death-bed and cried. He uttered only words that expressed his patience that was mixed with his sadness.

His words reflected that, when he uttered his famous words: "The heart grieves, the eye tears, and for your departure, Ibrahim, we are sad. But the tongue never utters an objection that wouldn't please God." How sad!

5. He Was Such a Tender Grandfather

That has always taken my heart! Whenever I think of how busy and important a man he was, and yet had time space and emotions to spare for his grandchildren. The idea that when he stood on the podium, giving the Friday sermon, he simply interrupted his speech in front of the Muslim nation audience — at the time — and went down the podium to pick up his grandson, is always startling from my point of view.

The fact that he would keep carrying this grandson throughout his speech is again startling. I mean, he was the spiritual, social and political leader of the nation! What would any of our grandfathers have done if we simply burst into any of their meetings? I wonder.

6. His Sincere Appreciation of the Feelings of Others

The way he honestly shared feelings with others has always stopped me. In particular, the way he dealt with the feeling of a child. That child used to have a pet bird. Whenever Prophet Muhammad passed by the child, he would ask him about his pet bird.

One day, the Prophet passed by the child and found him crying because of the death of his pet. Prophet Muhammad simply interrupted his journey to whatever errand he was going to, and sat with the child to offer his condolences. It was reported that he stayed with him for a long time to soothe him.

If he was not Prophet Muhammad, again I would fall for him for this incident. What a sweet-hearted man, who simply neglects his important errands or meetings to sit around a child who lost a pet. He didn't actually lose his mother, but he simply lost a bird. But Prophet Muhammad didn't see it to be a simple loss. He understood what this loss meant to the child and felt for his pain.

7. The Prophet's Smile & Sense of Humor

On a personal basis, I really love this. Maybe it is because personally I love to smile, and to wipe away tears and pain by lots of smiles and spreading the spirit of happiness and cheerfulness around. It is a characteristic that my inner self reconciles with in the character of Prophet Muhammad.

All mankind encounters pain and agony, just as he did. Some people face our worldly troubles by crying their tears out. Others are always expressing objection and un-acceptance of their destiny. A third party would simply frown in the face of the world and neglect its feeling. But Prophet Muhammad never did.

He was the most agonized person. He was an orphan. He was poor. He lost his beloved wife Khadijah. He was loaded with the responsibility of the divine message and with the responsibility of running a newly established state. Let alone his personal human sufferings.

Yet, he never frowned in the face of the world. He never objected to what God destined for him. He simply kept his smile and tender care for others, no matter what he went through. I pray I can keep up with him. I am not sure I can, but at least I should keep trying.

8. His Role Model as a Servant of God & Worshipper

Prophet Muhammad's role model as a servant of God and worshipper is an aspect of his character that any human who wants to serve God can reconcile with. He was a man who fasted most of his days, prayed most of his nights and spent all what he had for the sake of his beloved Creator.

Yet, when some of his Companions wanted to fast all days and never eat during daylight, pray all nights and never sleep at night, or abstain from marriage and lawful relations with women, he objected to that.
He explained to his Companions that he fasted some days and broke his fast on other days, he prayed much of his night time and yet he slept at night, and that he simply — like any other man — married and enjoyed marital life.

I think this is a much easier and a more practical example to follow, if we want to be good. The examples of complete self-denail and inhumanly extreme attitudes by some complete self-denial and saints and good ones isn't really practical for all mankind. But any person, man or woman can follow the steps of Prophet Muhammad; be a spiritual worshipper and a good human simultaneously.

9. His Tenderness & Mercy Towards Animals

Again, a very personal characteristic that has always touched my heart, was his tenderness and mercy towards animals. He treated them as communities that had social ties, just as humans are to be treated.

Once, when he was travelling, some of his companions caught two young birds. Then the mother flew above their heads wailing for her two children. Prophet Muhammad immediately reacted and asked who had hurt this mother by taking her children? He ordered the two birds given back to their mother on the spot.

Thinking sincerely and deeply of animals as creatures who feel emotions, not only physics, he banned the slaughtering of any animal in front of the other. He ordered a quick death with a sharp knife away from the other animals, so that the living ones would not feel fear or panic.

He also ordered that hunting or slaughtering animals should always be for the sake and need of nutrition. He completely abandoned learning hunting or shooting by taking innocent animals as trial preys.

As an animal lover and friend who has experienced the closeness of animals, I understand what this attitude means to animals. I love animals and those who are good to animals, what about a prophet who is that good to animals? He was a prophet who cared for animals' feelings and psychological states, and never regarded them as un-feeling bodies or unemotional creatures.

10. His Romantic Love for Lady Aishah

Last, but not least, his romantic love for Lady Aishah has always amazed me. Honestly speaking, I find this relation much more romantic than many love stories that were famous throughout history and literature of love. I mean, they were real! Many of the famous stories are novels, tales, and simply stories.

But, Prophet Muhammad and Lady Aishah's love was real. They lived it, cherished it and practiced it, down to earth in their daily life. He loved her dearly and passionately, and she loved him back.

She — like any normal, loving woman — felt jealous for him and expressed that obviously. He also felt jealous —like any normal, loving man — and expressed it obviously. They were human in their love, not angelic.

I always recall his habit of drinking after her and I pause to smile at this habit of his. He used to search for the part that touched her lips from the utensil she used in drinking. Then, he would specifically touch the same part with his lips when he would drink. He simply enjoyed feeling her warmth.

Yet, despite his deep love to her, and his genuine passion towards her, he never permitted this love to make him neglect his duties or role as a prophet and worshipper. He would leave her warm side in the middle of the night and take her permission to pray. He would tenderly ask her: "Let me stand for my God an hour in prayers." And, she would let him willingly and lovingly.

They lived love in their daily moments and they practiced it in every action. Their story of love did not stop at their lively moments, but continued till they departed.

Again, it has always amazed me and touched my heart deeply the moment of the Prophet's death. It was when he chose to depart the world from her house. He chose to go there when he felt death approaching.

And, then, at the moment of death, he chose to lean his head between her arms and to depart from there. Her hugging arms were the last he encountered in our world.

Having said so little in the love of the man who deserves much more, I am not at all satisfied. Yet, I have to sum up my words.

Ten, I was asked to write, and ten I have written. But, I have written so little, I know, in a man who I should write down hundreds of reasons to fall for. But history has written hundreds and thousands of books about the great man. And history will keep writing.

He is a man who does not need me to write about him. I was the one who needed to write, about the man who clearly showed me the way. Maybe this is really why I love him that much. Peace and blessings be upon you, my beloved Prophet.

Dalia Salaheldin is a bilingual writer, proem poet, and founder of Reading Islam website. She is a local activist who has traveled widely throughout the world and has been studying Islam at length in Egypt since 1992. At present, she is an editorial board member and consultant to ReadingIslam.com - IslamOnline.net. She currently teaches Arabic and Quranic language to non-Arabs at the American University in Cairo and is specialized in intercultural and interfaith affairs. She holds a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication and an MA in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language from the American University in Cairo. She can be contacted via telldee@gmail.com.

already falling in love~ ^^

June 05, 2009

Pemuda Sahara

Timbunan pasir itu adalah longgokan manusia. Manusia seperti pasir berterbangan, tanpa hala tuju, hanya mengikuti arus dunia. Terdengar deruan langkah dan mata mereka serta merta melihat kearahnya..

Pemuda itu berpakaian putih,dan berselipar kulit,berjalan dgn langkah yg pasti dan teguh. Bila sahaja nmpk air,d'cedoknya dan d'ambil wudhu',lalu sembahyang. Walau di bawah matahari yg terik dan pasir yg sentiasa bergerak (shifting sand), pemuda itu tidak berganjak. Khusyuk dalam ibadah, merasa keberadaannya di hadapan Penciptanya.

Sebuah imej yg menganggumkan.

Dibumi yg gersang itu, ada sekujur tubuh yg umpama air yg mengalir,sebuah oasis sumber kehidupan.


Hakikatnya,ia terjadi di negeri barat d'mna majoritinya bukan islam. Bersama rombongan pelancong dri negeri melayu. Bajunya ala-ala rockers,dgn jeansnya,leather jacketnya,rambut stylishnya.. tapi bila smpai saja waktu zuhur,ia yg pertama mengambil air sembahyang dan berdiri d'taman yg lapang itu utk menunaikan kewajipannya. Pelancong lain terkejut,namun terus mengikuti jejaknya..mengambil wudhu,lalu bersembahyang jemaah. Tak kira tua atau muda,lelaki atau perempuan, miskin atau kaya..

Terhenti pengunjung taman - orang2 yg bukan islam - itu. menyaksikan buat pertama kalinya, segolongan manusia di gelar islam, sembahyang bersama-sama...pemuda rockers tadi sebagai IMAMnya.

Apa yg hendak di gambarkan adalah..wujudnya pemuda mengkagumkan seperti ini,hanya kerana 1 perkara.
Dia jaga solatnya...tidak kira bila dan di mana saja ia berada.

Hanya kerana ia ... ingat pada Allah swt.
Ia beriman 'dan' beramal. =)

a.p.p.L.e - s.T.o.r.y

salam =)
A friend said something..that made me wonder..dear,this is my answer.

: if only..

imagine having a round apple.

it's so perfect you want to bite it. You did and suddenly,you regretted it. the apple's not so perfect anymore. But then, you figure out something. That there's still a good part in that apple. You took a knife and cut your own bite mark and tried as much as you can to leave the good part in one piece. Then, you cut the good part into fine pieces and share them with other people.

what's the moral of the story?

We faced many things in life - the good things,the bad things. There may be some words..some acts you wish you could take them back. "if only i hadn't been so stupid" "if only i never hurt them."

Take an apple,my dear.
That's your life -- when it was still untouched, beautiful and safe.

You took a bite,
.. meaning you take a chance in life

That regret
are for some of the choices you make that may be bad and make you feel horrible. Something you've done and couldn't take it back. How can you return the apple round again?

Take a knife and cut the bite mark.
This is a lesson. You understand the consequence of your words and actions. While you hurt others, it hurts you worst.

And then,you cut the good part into fine pieces and shared them with others.
That's you. Believe it or not, you have 'many' good qualities. The person who learned his/her lesson and tried very hard to never repeat the same mistake, the one who tried to give their best to other people. To be good in your own way.

On the other hand,imagine the untouched apple,left for days.. you wanted so much to preserve it's perfection. Can you? When gradually,it began to rot on it's own.

You have lived a life. If you do nothing with it,you have rot your ownself. But if you have taken a chance in life -- make the right and wrong choices. it's still a better one. The wrong ones made you learned. It's a hard lesson,and yet still a lesson that taught you to be more careful of your own words and actions. And the effect of that, you tried harder to be a good person and share that with other. So that they can have a piece of that apple. Pieces of you that is good and beautiful. One bad thing led to many good things. If you hadn't took a bite,the apple would only be for your ownself and it would be ruined anyway. But for that bite you have taken, you realized how delicious and happy that apple makes you feel. It makes you want to share how good that apple is with others.

Rather than pondering on the "if only's" that gets you 'nowhere'. Take a chance in life, to find out what kind of the person you are. In your own way,you can give your own pieces of apple. =)