April 30, 2012



"Night conceals the World but reveals the universe."

this looks fun.. ;D

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Question:   "Do I have a reason to hope?"
Answer:    "The world works in mysterious ways." *smile*

"just go for it, kiddo."

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April 29, 2012



no matter how light
how tentative it's footsteps are
'twas mark with a shadow
existence, no matter how minuscule
is known

"you are here"

I may have stumble upon a wall
disconcerting was I of it
trying to find my way around it, over it
for the moment..stuck
left leaning on that very wall
eyes closed and through gritted teeth
possibly pitying myself at this very moment
sad was I
sad I am still

for the moment
let me have these tears

yes..I'm grieving

O Moon, how could you still shine against the dark?
my comfort, my friend
are you crying for me too?


April 22, 2012



What's in a name?

an identity
a meaning
a part of social function
a form of affection
a curse

It depends on how they are used/ treated..

Last night, an ayat reminds me of a line I've read a few years back..
how to be 'named' means.

"Kamu tak akan mendapati kaum yang beriman pada Allah dan hari akhirat, saling berkasih-sayang dengan orang-orang yang menentang Allah dan Rasul-Nya, sekalipun orang-orang itu bapak-bapak, atau anak-anak atau saudara-saudara ataupun keluarga mereka. 

Mereka itulah orang-orang yang telah menanamkan keimanan dalam hati mereka dan menguatkan mereka dengan pertolongan yang datang daripada-Nya. Dan dimasukan-Nya mereka ke dalam surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Allah ridha terhadap mereka, dan merekapun merasa puas terhadap (limpahan rahmat)-Nya. 

Mereka itulah golongan Allah

Ketahuilah, bahwa sesungguhnya hizbullah (golongan Allah) itu adalah golongan yang beruntung."
Surah Al-Mujadilah, 58: 22

The line explains... how to a true mukmin, 
his/ her heart would say this...that the name he/ she hold dearest, 
is the word "Hamba-Ku" 
(My -Allah SWT's - servant)

The word "Hamba-Ku" establishes the 'bond' we have with our Creator, that we 'belong' to Him only. Realized that it's on a first-name basis (-Ku), as in owning something. 
But first, we have to understand Him. His character, known as 'Asmaul Husna', to realized, to truly feel what it was like to be owned.

When we can understand that..
the true value of being called 'Hizbullah' (Golongan Allah)
would we understand, aspire to be

what is it?
a sense of belonging
to be part of what is big (The Almighty)
that our whole life truly is for Him

for when we tried to mold ourselves into something
majority of us got lost, become a cellular being
fragile, lost in aimless wondering

but when we understand what it was like
to love, to look forward for His redha
inadvertently, we shape our life to His liking

using a mold that He acknowledges (Qur'an and Sunnah)

Future is rather far away
where we'll end up (good or bad)
but what of now?
what are we?
who are we to be?

so when reading that verse
I was overwhelmed...warmed at that word 'golongan Allah'
the intonation of the verse
that it is a present tense referred for those named from the characteristics listed 
Quran encourages us to shape ourselves to be a true believer, an honest, giving person
who is patient, loyal in the best way we know how
stick to that and insyaAllah, that name
Hizbullah (golongan Allah)
would also refers to us

take one step at a time
'live' with the present
insyaAllah, that mold will become easier for us to fit into
so that we can truly be Hizbullah
one day

Amin Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin~ :')

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April 10, 2012



There's a growing pattern in our classrooms recently, and it made me wonder how heart can affect actions. Whether it was merely an act, or the genuine thing.

Head is rational
Heart is human

Anger guides the head
Sabar (patience) guides the heart

to take or give advice...
always begin from the heart
and the condition of our heart reflects our words
whether it rose out from truth (calm, clear)
or from our ego (conflicting, messy, angry)

Someone shared this with me:
This person is a rather cool character. A good head on her shoulder, always thinking rationally, with a smile, with a 'knowing' look in her eyes. An educator and a believer in fairness and equality. 
There was a young man, whom people rejects (especially other teachers) and constantly complained about.
Now...she barely knew him, except for the stories that floats around in the office.
One day, she called him for a proper 'talk'.
But before she began...suddenly, all those stories she heard flooded into her brain, took over her rationality and she said something she shouldn't, with a pitch higher than she barely knew she had.
He shot her a look and throw this back as a reply, 
"You're the same like everyone else (I thought you were different)!"
She was taken aback and was immediately filled with a huge regret
She had let those negativity took over her
and it claimed whatever she had believed in (fairness, equality, good rationality, etc)
She realized that it's useless to have a good rationality but a bad intent
because it'd come out all wrong
and hurtful 

Anger guides head because it'll give you 1001 reasons why 'you' are on the right side
Sabar guides heart because it'll give you 1001 reasons how things may appear differently, that things would get better
how we perceive someone will affect what we say
if we judge too early (especially negative suuzon), 
somehow anger would suddenly spat from our mouth

sometimes patience wanes but when this piece of memory crosses my mind
I had to stop
to reflect whether my advice would just be an angry spat or a true word
don't be thinking thyself as benevolent
look inside thy heart, rather on how thy 'appear' to be

people can 'feel' sincerity
it's easier for some
harder for most, actually
but we can try, can't we?
to be kind
to others
to ourselves :)

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April 09, 2012



To live in the shadow of the Qur'an..

"Dan demikianlah Kami wahyukan kepadamu wahyu (Al Quran) dengan perintah Kami. Sebelumnya kamu tidaklah mengetahui apakah Al Kitab (Al Quran) dan tidak pula mengetahui apakah iman itu, tetapi Kami menjadikan Al Quran itu cahaya, yang Kami tunjuki dengan dia siapa yang kami kehendaki di antara hamba-hamba Kami. Dan sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar memberi petunjuk kepada jalan yang lurus." 
Asy-syura, 42: 52

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April 06, 2012



Thank you for not saying anything.
Thank you for that brief word.

thy heart is still a child
sensitive..and wary.
preparing herself..whether she should curl herself into a ball or stand tall.

listen close
listen close
hear those voices
not because it's a big gesture on thy part
but because thy's heart is the same.

"Treat others the way you'd like to be treated."

- - -

often, adults and kids live in parallel worlds
barely understanding each other, 
we shape whatever it is to 'our' own understanding

I've read something recently
a rather long poem by a teacher
of how being shouted at, teach the kids to be timid
of being underestimated, teach them to not know their own voice

let them run free
let them say whatever they want
let them choose whatever they want
a novel idea?
*laugh* i could almost hear a collective groans from both teachers and parents alike

but heck. try it all the same
to place yourself equal to them
suddenly, you felt their acute needs, demands
are actually quite real to our own
I know its hard to differentiate background noise to actual meanings
but, hey..listen
strangely they lower their voice to match our own
better than a spat match that gets you nowhere

look at others as if you're seeing your mirror
their problems genuine to our own

"How would YOU like to be treated as?"

even Rasulullah SAW showed his affection openly to young ones
one of his sunnah is patting a child's head when you're talking to them
not to belittle them
but, to cherish them
an act of fatherly love and companionship

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April 03, 2012



just felt like looking at the sky
a really long~ look

"..rise above this."

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