December 07, 2012

Growing up


"What do I want to be when I grow up?"

"I know what I don't want to"

Thinking about it...those words are harsh...yet many spent their adolescent, even up to adulthood thinking that. Mitch Albott narrates in his 'five people you meet in heaven book', how one fights with childhood, how he thought parents are being cruel, inattentive, robs youth of dreams and hope.

It's harsh and unfair.
Yet, why does it rings true?
such as cruel things. it wasn't suppose to happen...yet, it happen. Just as there ARE parents who abandon, abuse or neglect their children.

...but in normal cases...
they're human
serious flaws as they age up, and so would we, actually...when it's our time
what's unforgivable, we might understand as we grow older

but right now...
injustice, frustrations vented out on kids
I mean the mild emotions ones
O loves (sons and daughters), have patience
you might know more
you might know less
even if its unfair, be silent and deliberate before speaking or choosing not to
cry if you must
Allah swt loves you better when you persevere and be patient

don't want to grow up to be like them (act like them)?
then, don't
be better, and forgive them
the way you'd hope your kids would forgive you when 'you' make mistakes, intentional or not

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