December 04, 2012

Moving Week


A wee bit hectic this week,
work keeps on piling up, one after another
report-writing, furniture-moving, book-hunting
it's december, and I don't think I'll get any closure anytime soon

kept telling myself that it's a phase
a new life in every direction: family, work
wishes upon wishes
expectations upon expectations
hopes upon hopes

it's been nagging
a feeling that stings, like iron rust, a misplaced violin chord
a sweet pain named melancholy
when there's something in life you missed
and kept looking at your back 
trying to catch a glimpse of it

maybe because I haven't had a proper goodbye to them
to B, to my lovely twins
like a scratch on a mirror
as if trying to find a balm to smooth that surface

"part of it (love) ... is also letting go."

because I missed them :"(

what kind of person cries everytime she sees her six-years-olds graduate?
when seeing two green money packets?

Afwan my loves, this silly teachers of yours is also a child at heart
thank you for still believing in me and love me unconditionally
regardless of all of those flaws and faults
thank you for your sweetness and loveliness that has been matchless, up till now

yes, am letting go
yet, it doesn't mean the air is less cheery, less vacant from your presence
Gah! *face-palm*
right now am hopeless

no matter what
it's still du'a
I want to see you girls again
and hopefully, that essence would still be part of your character

- - -

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