July 14, 2013

Retire to a Masjid for Remembrance of Allah (Itikaf)


dusty parking space, there stood a skeleton of a Masjid. Patterned grillwork that meant to be  its windows, white ceilings, cemented floor, no tiles at sight. 

Yet, the place charmed me. 
You can hear the birds (their tasbih), feel the cold hard floor and the gentle breeze. Raw and honest, infront of Allah swt, I submitted to Him (prayer). Felt like all the layers are stripped away and its just the qolbu and Allah swt, talking.

After that, just stood there, taking in the tiny details of its structure. All the while, the birds still chirped their tasbih (to Allah swt). 
Because the money needed to finish its construction is limited, yet its function (for prayer) still exists. How I felt nature were praying too. Prayed that one day this Masjid 'will' be built. How they offered their du'a, so that its walls would be erected, its pillars adorned with colour, its floor with soft carpets. 

My mind reflected back to UBD Masjid. How it must've been the same for it, too. How the construction workers, the future jemaah would have looked forward to it. How people prayed and make du'a for it, too. The sincerity, I can almost felt it's seeping from these pillars, cold floor and white ceilings. When it's fully built now, is the sincerity the same? or did the people just came in to feel the air-conditioner and talked about meaningless things, when it used to be where people and nature prayed fervently that one day, this place will be where the ummah would pour their hearts to Allah swt?

What about me?
This Islam, did I looked back on how Rasulullah SAW, the prophets before him had fought so that Islam would stand and reign supreme on His earth? Did I remembered how much blood was shed, tears spent, faith tested, money, body and soul laid out infront of Allah swt...saying, it's either we win or died from it? So that Kalimah Syahadah is on our hearts and lips.

How do you take care of one's sincerity?
when you forget when it seems that Islam had already won, that people are starting to take it for granted?
 How the birds would've wept to Rasulullah saw and Allah swt, "the ummah forgets. The ummah didn't reflect and give thanks for the nikmat You have given."

It's by reminding this self and others. Remember. Remember.
So that ikhlas came, not just from the walls of Masjid, but from the hearts of Mukmin. Protect it (your Qolbu), cleanse it always...so that when you entered its walls, recharged your iman...then, would you spread all over the earth and do good deeds. Spread the message and good-will. Show good akhlak, for those who truly longs for the Masjid stepped outside from its walls 'only' to benefit others. 

Narrated Aishah (RA), the wife of the Prophet (PBUH): “The Prophet (PBUH) used to practise Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practise Itikaf after him.”
(Hadith No. 2026, Book of Itikaf, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3).

More on ihtikaf -> http://www.quranandhadith.com/itikaf/

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