March 10, 2013



Mengaut is a Bruneian word for scooping, often used to refer scooping out rice/food or taking ablution.

The beauty of ibadah often begins with the cleansing of physical self before self would be ready for the cleansing of the soul. Such were the case for Umar Al-Khattab before he turned towards syahadah. He was about to hold the pages of Qur'an that his sister was reading earlier and his sister bids him to cleanse himself first...and when he did, Surah Taha washes over his soul. Allah's Hidayah.

Last week, I was watching my eight-year-old sister-in-law taking her ablution. I was quite used to seeing my own preschool and primary kids taking theirs (ablution) but that act are also usually synonym to 'playing with water'. So, when I watch her doing it alone, full of tertib and care...I was mesmerized by this small figure performing an opening act of ibadah, the cleansing ritual.


 When heart and actions are aligned in performing ibadah. Beautiful.

Was only reading Surah Al-Qadr, about Lailatul Qadr (Night of Qadr)...of a very spiritual those who found it would feel a certain kind of serenity. Even when surrounded by people, that moment, you'd only feel it's you and Allah swt in this universe. A dialogue without words. Unconditional faith in submitting self infront of Allah swt. A special night when the night is not sharp or cold, but a certain kind of warmth in its cool, soothing, energizing. When the essence of life around you is amplified. When it happens to be that that very night Malaikat (Angels) and Jibril spread their wings and came down to earth in masses.

"There is beauty in ibadah when you feel like you're talking to Allah swt. 
Alone or in jemaah, it's the secret dialogue of the heart, in Surah Al-Fatihah, in ruku', in sujud, in the act, in the words... 
This is me, Your servant. Infront of You, My Creator, My King."

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