July 11, 2010


there's many gateways u entered as you grew,sometimes you forget from which door you came from..then, a ray of light stop you in your tracks. warm and familiar..
finally,you look around.
"where am i?"
this wanderer suddenly realize where she is.
here she stood from where she had been.
her future..and yet her past,in a different form, in a different perspective.

Moving forward in a headlong rush, more than often you missed the small details you passed every day. That where you've been standing is a reflection of your past. Places and people..familiar sights and sounds.

I was caught.

There are people that still have their past preserves in them. Through their child-like eyes and through their speeches. honest and true. they had lived a simple life, handled love and lost. they're kampung-dwellers. time might have changed, but little do they.

i was one, once.
it struck me how different i had become now.
more surprised to realized that the child still speaks
when i saw that sunset..
a familiarity i was apart from for a long time..and yet, now it seems like it was yesterday.
my place
and the children under my care

my past and their present

didn't matter how the dust blew through lungs and stings the eyes
choked up by orders or harsh words
preserves in these child soul is a memory
and i might..i just might..be the first long-term memory they have.
better leave a good impression,Han. :')

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