April 03, 2013



I should be jealous... instead, I weep inside, for him
of what he had to go through

how can a muslim does that? breaks their pact, be selfish...how can a person who has hidayah  turns their back and returns to jahiliyyah? The answer is simple but the heart, unfortunately, is not (as simple).

Am tempted to text her, 
"my dear piece of my heart, be ready to 'let go'.
putuskan harapanmu pada manusia dan bertautlah pada Allah."

I was disappointed.
"What are you thinking?," he asked me.
"I think this hurts you more than it does me, because he's someone close to you and you've been in the victim's position."
 It's a conflict of forgiveness...of the past and trying to be a threshold for someone's future.

how can a mukmin does that?

earlier, a friend confided in me...about how one turns more to dunya than akhirat
why is that? how is that?
how can a mukmin turns back to jahiliyyah?
she replied about a story she had read, that is quite common to us
about how syaitan, who used to be a very obedient servant of Allah swt, his position raised from the earth to the heaven, respected by malaikat (angels)...yet for one huge flaw, he became disobedient (Surah Al-Baqarah,2: 30 onwards) to Allah swt. If he did that...what about us? 

Are we immune against those flaw?
we don't.
it's possible for those things to happen to ourself (Naudzubillah min dzalik)

before Fathul Mekah (the conquest of Mekah), Rasulullah SAW held a secret meeting with his selected sahaba of his plans to ambush Mekah. A particular sahaba had cold feet, fearing for the lives of his families and friends back in Mekah, and so he sent a messenger. Thankfully, Allah swt enlightened His prophet of this sahaba's deed and riders were dispatched to intercept the messenger. The messenger was caught and indeed, the sahaba's deed in breaking Rasulullah saw's trust was revealed. Sayyidina Umar was red in anger and threathened to kill that sahaba. How could you? How 'COULD' you?? Yet Rasulullah s.a.w calmed Umar r.a down and said, "Don't you know he is ahl' Badr, and ahl' Badr sins are forgiven by Allah swt?" 

O Rasulullah saw, how could you be so calm?
how can a muslim does that?

because we are insan
we are not above committing sins or flaws

"... hate the sin, not the sinner."

if Allah swt could forgive such transvesty, how can we not?

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakkan dari prasangka (kecurigaan), karena sebagian dari prasangka itu dosa. Dan janganlah mencari-cari keburukan orang dan janganlah menggunjingkan satu sama lain. Adakah seorang diantara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang" 
Al-Hujuraat 49:12

his/her deeds are his/her deeds, and our deeds are ours
let them with what they've done, but don't let us sinned too by thinking bad thoughts and voicing it out, possibly creating fitnah and spreading aib of others

I leave you to Allah swt

Your hak is to be advised, and my hak is to advise, in any ways that are best understood and followed. My own dear sahaba, May Allah swt lead you to the right path.

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