March 17, 2012

Just the way you are..


cool water, warm sun
heads barely out of the clouds, it's school holiday and yet, at 7am, was standing at the beach

laid out canvas, banana-flavored drinks, cream puddings, three different types of fried noodles
water pistols, a bucket of assorted kids galore of a child's idea of an ideal picnic

no expectations, perceptions
just pure play
and of warm reunions
..and it was at those shoreline I learned about being protected, about being cared for
someone confided in me

when you're young, often you felt wronged
that grown-ups know 'nothing'
weak, incapable of providing what you needed the most

what I heard made me cry
because they know they lack a lot of things (knowledge, experience, etc)
can't provide a proper soil
the sun's glare too strong
winds too harsh
yet they traveled far to carry a few beans out
 to have a taste of proper sunlight, proper rain
before being planted back into home-soil
so they'd adapt
made strong, made true

..and its the sacrifices they continually made
at first, I thought
that being indebted is making yourself into a fool
a price paid for an uncertain future
yet, it's the future I'm looking into now
sunflower faces beaming at me

blooms from that effort, from that sacrifice
MasyaAllah, how can I compete with that?

the fact that I'm really too young
that with all my fierce sense of what is right
couldn't compare to elders patience
in facing praises and critics
on hearing own faults paraded
they bear with it
and am in awe and warmed by that gesture

I know I'm being cryptic now
but please bear with me
coz' that's who I am
accept it or leave it

...the lesson was
accept someone for who they are
their strength, their weakness
because there's a lot we don't know actually
no matter how much we think we knew
we don't

what a strange world it is
that misfits paved the way for perfection
in amal, ibadah, etc

compared to flawless heroes
I think I love these misfits better

so don't worry if you had a bumpy rides in your life
one word
although people would see you as a fool
Allah SWT see you as much better than that :D

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"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menganiaya seseorang walaupun sebesar zarrah, dan jika ada kebajikan sebesar zarrah, niscaya Allah akan melipat gandakannya dan memberikan dari sisi-Nya pahala yang besar."
An-Nisa, 4:40


Dalam kitab Shahih Muslim disebutkan sebuah hadits dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu 'anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda (dalam sebuah hadits yang cukup panjang, namun kami ketikkan dalam bentuk poin-poin):

1. Siapa yang melepaskan satu kesulitan dari kesulitan dunia pada seorang mukmin, maka Allah akan melepaskannya dari kesulitan di hari akhirat.

2. Siapa yang memudahkan orang lain, Allah memudahkan kesulitannya di dunia dan akhirat.

3. Siapa yang menutupi aib orang muslim, Allah akan menutupi aibnya di dunia dan akhirat.

4. Allah tidak akan berhenti menolong seorang hamba selama ia tidak berhenti menolong saudaranya.

5. Siapa yang melewati jalan, di jalan itu ia mencari ilmu. Maka Allah akan memudahkan baginya jalan ke surga.

6. Sekelompok kaum berkumpul di rumah Allah, membaca kitab Allah dan mengkaji isinya, maka pasti akan turun ketenangan di dalam hatinya, mereka diliputi rahmat, dikelilingi para malaikat, dan Allah akan membanggakan kaum tersebut kepada malaikat.

7. Siapa yang lambat amalnya, nasabnya (keturunannya) tidak membuatnya cepat.
(Maksudnya, kemuliaan seseorang itu tidaklah dilihat dari keturunannya, namun dari amalnya).

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