June 03, 2011

Mid-Year Summary


the stars flicker
it's a wonder to see them up there
you don't know what's gonna happen next
how they flicker are different from satellite (controlled-blinks)
you don't know what to expect
can't always time it and yet there it is
in a rhythm

Has been contemplating future
it was at this moment in my life i have to make important decisions
education and career
somehow had been pulled by practicalities
Classes, tutions, meetings, school programs
my schedule planned out
when i haven't work out what my life's going to be

am thirsty for knowledge
so I know..where I am now, is a temporary setup
i'm leaving
to where?
up for me to decide
just fill in the forms, Han
find other places where i can do better than baby-sitting

honest..i was exhausted
because I can't look at them in the eyes anymore
can't pull them close just to hear their heartbeat
had to be hard on them
i hate that
raising a child is hard enough
but 56??

why are they restless, i don't understand
and the guilt of having them endure someone with mood-swings
they deserve better
how? how? how?
work it out, Han
the whispers are there


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i'm struggling with patience
with anger
  faced the circumstance every day
yet i refuse to sink that low
it isn't genetic
it is myself
i, myself, will be accounted for my own deeds
say whatever i wanted to say? do whatever i want to do?
Allah has guide me to be a better person
so i what? U-turn and walk back?? 'cause it's easier??

jangan manja! *dush!*

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