April 22, 2010

silent warrior


.:: 19 April 2010 - Monday [ 7.30 AM ] ::.

Terror ripped through the sky
terrified sobs, crowds dispersing like moths from a flame
unnatural, this scene before me

and yet, felt like a spectator, easing through these crowd, holding hands with one of the student

her..the tears streaming down (seemingly endless), a silent deadly fear in the heart
i recited the three 'kul' calmly until we reach the bench of the parking lot
i brought out my tafseer, told her to read the three 'kul' herself, also reading the tafseer
explained to her, what are they up against

the screaming children, the fainting, the shivered sobs continued what began to felt like days..
her..cease to shiver, she stood silent beside me, calm..
suddenly the small girl infront of us, collapse in helpless fear
a figure swept to this small body, clutching it from its frantic cries and hands
her own arms protective and unyielding
it took me a moment to realise that it was my student
the very one i was calming down just before this

the girl still frantic, her..still holding
calm, and sure, and strong
i was struck with awe
"bila ia gagah ani?"

she was the one who carried the small girl, her arms still protective
like a kind big sister calming down her little ones from a bad dream

- - -


.:: 17 April 2010 - Saturday [ 9.00 AM ] ::.

I was struck by a sudden news
of loss, of grief
she was absent that day
her friend told me at the end of the period, tilting her head, her eyes enquiring
"teacher nangis kah?"
i looked up to her, silent
no, i wasn't
i was numb and dumb
the mind is saying something
what is it?
i walked across to the staffroom
the realisation dawned to me, and the heart was weeping
...and the tears came in the staffroom

this child
is the kindest i've ever seen
always..she hold out her hand to salaam me
of her..waiting outside her class just to tell me that it's her birthday
her birthday the same with her father
that nobody is celebrating it 'especially' for her, because there's always a joint-birthday
she said that at three different times
her real one was actually right before the holidays
the same day she said that i was her favourite teacher

she lost her father on Thursday
from saving another's life
that life saved, his gone
on Monday was Parents-Teacher meeting
Oh god, the irony~
a voice whispered..
too young
that heart is too young to face such a deep loss
she's very close

very close to her father..

.:: 19 April 2010 - Monday [ 10.30 AM ] ::.

i feared she'd come
with her fragile state, that 'thing' could easily get to her
but on that day, when the day was nearing its end
out from the HOY staff, a girl holding her sobbing friend
she looked up and saw me
stood transfixed
she came
and yet she's the one the pillar of support 'for' her friend
and her eyes,still fresh with sadness spoke through that silence
"time of grieving has left.
today, i have to protect them (my friends)"

nothing magnamous about Posessions
but these little warriors are

so young..
..and their faith already tested
.. and surprise you with their inner strength

They 'are' afraid
and yet the fierce burning spirit to protect others shone ever so brightly on that day
these little warriors..

i'll never forget this
they, who taught me
that despite their size
love can lend them a Giant's heart, a Giant's courage

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