March 06, 2010

MengenalMu, Ar-Rahman~

di sudut hati ini
seperti malam yg bening
alunan ayat-ayat Ar-Rahman mengetuk Qolbu

Rata-ratanya bertanya
Fabi ayyi ala irobbikuma tu kazziban
"Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?"

Nikmat mata, telinga, lidah
Yang terbesar adalah nikmat hidayah
nikmat ukhuwwah
seperti tidak akan kering airmata
Ya Allah
sungguh banyak nikmat yg Kau berikan
namun daku..

Nikmat mengenalMu
nikmat mengenal mereka, mencintai mereka hanya keranaMu
nikmat mengasihi dan mengasihi
nikmat mensyukuri nikmat

i know you're lost at this point, my dear readers
"come on,what is she saying?"
*laughs* ='')

nikmat mengetahui diri bisa mempercayai
terlalu lama bersendirian
dengan perasaan takut dan terlalu berharap akan hasil
nikmat berlapang dada
nikmat berkata
nikmat menasihati dari lubuk hati
nikmat belajar erti ikhlas
nikmat belajar mengasihi

Baru marking paper students
macam ada yg dapat 0% utk monthly test
Ya Allah, sungguh, aku ingin menangis
this is not normal
my loves, kenapa kamu suka cakap "payah teacher"?
don't give up!
masa balik, durang sampat salam lagi
pun bersedih pasal paper durang
tau they haven't done their best
tapi masyaAllah
masatulah baru sedar betapa semangat mencari ilmu mereka masih sangat tinggi
most would quit
but not them
"teacher, nanti kami tution sama teacher aa."
Allah bless you, my loves~ =')

When they sit for their test
a TP friend who invigilate said this
"you're going to cry."
i did
it's not normal for me to see people fail
i know it's their past (more than half failed in their PMB)
but i never believe it's their present
that it's their future
for someone with heart like theirs
i'll never believe they'll quit trying
but i was so afraid of myself
can i teach them?
can i make them understood and be understood?
can i be a good teacher?

caught a glimpse of what doctors life would feel like
do you how it is to have someone's life in your hands
to see it slipped from your fingers?
although you know that life and death is not within your hands
you can't help asking
did i do enough
or because i was so incompetent that i couldn't save his/ her life?
how can you save your heart when you see other lose theirs?
you try as much as possible to save what you can

my students
i'll work hard for you too

Mengenal sifatMu,Ar-Rahman (Maha Pemurah)
aku tak terkira, dimana penghujung kemurahanMu
tak terhitung banyaknya
tak terisi hati
andai langit ini diperbuat oleh kertas dan nikmat yg Kau curahkan turun
tak akan sampai sesaat ia terbocor
terlalu banyak
terlalu banyak

"nikmat Tuhanmu manakah yg kamu dustakan?"

- - -

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