July 10, 2009

: 6 Thinking Hats :

Assalamualaikum wrb
Been to library kemarin (gotta LOVE EM' -- books galore XD), sampai jua melapas rinduku,huhu & while containing my *skippish* excitement,jumpa this book

me like brimmed gentLemen hats n this one COLOURFUL lagi. XD ok.ok..am not kanak-kanak ok.. asaL jumpa buku lawa,ambil.. haha,awal-awal memanglah,tapi come on,membaca ku kali ah isinya dulu.

simple and direct
"Six Thinking Hats" by Edward De Bono
- father of "lateral thinking" (i think)

I've read pasal there's two types of thinking:
1. Lateral Thinking
2. Deep Thinking

Lateral thinker is someone who view things broadly. Information-chaser, like to know as many things as h/she can. kalau kn buat graph,ia ani jenis x-axis lah ah (horizontally).

Deep thinker is someone who takes one point of view and explores it more indepth. y-axis ke bawah lah tu (vertically).

Dua2 ada pro's and con's..lateral thinker banyak tau perkara (general knowledge expert) tapi information atu inda berapa mendalam. while deep thinker ani,mcm ia ambil katak,ia bedah & kaji habis-habisan. Kiranya ia expert pasal katak lah tu ah (eww!!),tapi benda lain inda ia tau. sort off mcm scientist in one bidang saja. But it's a good thing to know there's two types of thinking, so that we know our strength and weakness,and can find ways to integrate both. Dulu aku deep-thinker berabis (born november lh katakan) ;p tapi i know this one girl yg lateral-thinker berabis. *Confession:* a long-time deep-thinker bila jumpa lateral-thinker akan rasa banar2 overwhelm. Masa awal2 lah tu ah. it's like a strong-rooted flower meeting a flower that always got blown by the wind. Selamilah jiwanya..jeLes jua ia tu liat the wind-blown flower dapat lihat banyak benda. satu saja yg jadi kemusykilannya,dimanakn 'root' sibunga ani?

Tapi since then,aku cuba jualah jadi lateral thinker. siuk jua rupanya! =D Habis wikipedia,national geographic,msn,yahoo news ku redah. Yes,i've learned my lesson from a lateral thinker. Masaalahnya,payah tia balik ku tahan duduk baca buku tabal-tabal. Dui~dulu,habis buku classic jane austen,charlotte bronte ku baca. Yg tabal-tabal inda berapa siuk pun ku gagahi baca and khatam 'at least' 2 hari. Msa ni..yes,there's a con jua jadi lateral-thinker tiba2 ani. i'm condemn to baca buku yg bnyk gambar saja.err...

so,bila jumpa buku ani..let me say..VERY USEFUL meh~~
Even lateral thinker dapat menkategorikan dan memberi 'akar' pada setiap idea. kata De Brono,imagine saja ideas tani ani mcm lukisan cat vs printer.
1. Painter:
Imagine kmu ni first-timer lah,cuba mencampur-campurkan colour. Biasanya kan..last-last, kmu dpt a blob of warna yg pelik tercampur-campur & jadi inda lawa gambarmu.

2. Printer:
Org buta teknologi pun,bila ia takan print apa saja benda,lawa benda yang di print atu. Pasal ia print satu-satu. merah dulu,baru biru,etc...

Perbezaan di antara kedua ialah sukatan warna dan skill. Painter ani manual brabis wah,so teknik kena steady! baru lawa outputnya. Printer atu sanang lagi,ia automatic -- ertinya printer atu lh steady skillnya.

Minda tani ani ada mcm2 colour: logik, emosi, kreatif
Bila ia dicampur-adukkan,payah tani kan tau apa sebenarnya yang tani fikirkan. Cuba tulis satu-persatu. Analyze kelebihan,kelemahan,pendapat -- nampak bah,apa nya org,jadi 'crystal clear'.

Menurut De Brono (ceh,mcm kn buat thesis plang ;p), kitani ada 6 thinking hats:

White: Facts, Figures, and Objective Information
Red: Emotions and Feelings
Black: Logical Negative Thoughts
Yellow: Positive Constructive Thoughts
Green: Creativity and New Ideas
Blue: Control of the other hats and thinking steps

Ani from internet..awu, lawa gambarnya ;D

We think in colours -- put on' your thinking hat! =D

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