February 27, 2012



Katakanlah: "(Tuhanku) ialah Allah Yang Maha Esa."
"Allahlah tempat meminta"
"Dia tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan"
"Dan tiada yang setara/ sekutu dengan-Nya."
- Surah An-Nas

Yesterday, I've just read these verse. 
When I was off for my class, I've only just realized the yellow warning in my gas tank, and the nearest oil station is a 15-min journey from my home. 

My heart at my throat, holding the only $10 that I have, with $0.01 credit in my mobile, I was debating, whether I should stop by at the kadai simpang to top-up my credit first, 'incase' anything should happen (the car stopped, etc) or pray the rest of the way till I could refilled my car's gas tank. The first, I'd be risking the precious time (and remaining oil) that I have. The second, I had to face the possibility of being alone to dealt with any particular emergency.

I choose the latter, fervently praying, and remembering that verse...I felt the acute need as a hamba-Nya. Plunging ahead into an unknown future, while holding unto only one thing..that..
the only ONE I could rely, I could ask from is Him.
Allah SWT.

It made me realized how we, as human, forget quite to whom should we ask for anything. For our rezeki. Our wealth, health, knowledge..and even life. 
We waited for our allowances/ paychecks for our wealth.
We refer to tuition teachers for our knowledge. 
We refer to doctor for our health.
We refer to ustaz/ah for our hidayah.
 Can you buy someone's heart with money? understanding?

"Bacalah, dengan nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Pemurah
Yang mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan 
Dia mengajarkan manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya
Ingatlah! Sesungguhnya manusia tetap melampaui batas
denagn sebab ia melihat dirinya sudah cukup apa yang dihajatinya"
-Surah Al-Alaq, ayat 1-8 

All those things (rezeki) came from Allah SWT
even if you're left destitute, you're not entirely alone and resource-less

"If you have trust in Allah as you ought, then He will feed you as He feeds the bird, it goes out with an empty stomach and returns full."
-Ibnu Majah

I remembered a story of a sahaba, who went home, to be informed by his wife that the pantry was empty. Afterwards, he observed his prayer and then asked his wife again. Only to be informed that its still empty.
He refreshed back his niat, his heart and then, repeated his prayer. This time, after he finished his prayer, his wife came in a surprised manner...that suddenly, there's food in the pantry.

sounds far-fetch but that is a true believer.
because believing is by putting your heart first, not your head (logic, of negative impossibility) closer to Allah SWT


.. and,another most important rezeki that we always forget is..our life.

a child's life is almost taken today

am compelled to tell this story, because his family is the only real example I have ever met personally, who are generous generous people.
Earlier this morning, they had a breakfast in a nearby stall.
When they were on their way out, their little kindy boy 'almost' got into an accident. 
A very close call.
Visibly and thoroughly shaken, did you know what they (his parents) did right after that 'almost' accident?

They bought as many food and drinks as they can and give them to all the teachers and students in our school as sadaqah...and seriously, it's alot. 
For that 'near-miss', they hoped we can pray for their safety, read doa selamat, as their way of thanks to Allah SWT, that their boy's life is spared today.

because our lifelines are also our rezeki. That our rezeki would always flows except at one point in time. when suddenly, the rezeki stops.
 When we die.

Ya Allah..
They didn't spare a minute, to be grateful, to show their thanks to Allah SWT for that 'life'.

and it made me wondered about that hadith..

Rasulullah SAW said, "Be generous in sadaqa', because sadaqa' can prolong one's life."

when we say a prolong's life (panjang umur), it doesn't mean our lifelines get any longer.
Because when a soul is blown inside a baby, 4 things are written for him/her. 

"... kemudian diutuslah malaikat untuk meniupkan ruh kepadanya dan menyampaikan empat perkara: menulis rezekinya, ajalnya, amal perbuatannya dan akan menjadi orang sengsara atau bahagia..." 
- HR Bukhari - Muslim

"Berlumba-lumbalah dalam bersedekah, kerana bala tidak akan mendahului sedekah." (Hadith)

Our lifelines are predetermine and fixed (qada' qadar)
A prolong life means that whatever lifelines we have, it's a blessed one.

I wondered if they knew

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