December 29, 2010

He is near :=')


Listening: Healing - Sami Yusuf

 The weight of two weeks finally settles in
Alight with His love =')

Twas' the second day of riadah
the enjoined hands unclasped
the game still audible in the background
laughters and voices dimmed

backs turned
and facing the sea
i was greeted with a surreal sight
it rained
but so unlike the one i'm used to seeing
10 minutes
it rained somewhere out on the sea
then it approaches onshore and heading my way
the partition was incredible! XD
the line that seperates land and sea becomes more pronounced when there's heavy rain on the sea, but almost none on the land
awestruck, I watched as the giant gray cumulonimbus descended
and descending still
i looked up, saw it looming at me
 one, two thunder can be heard overhead
the fiercesome note of it and yet I stood there, transfixed and .. giddy :D
defiant and extremely curious
the eyes follow the whispy lines, flowing with measured slowness towards the centre
before it registered to me that i was seeing INSIDE a cloud!
The sun was further away, and yet i can see a light inside it
illuminating the workings of a cloud

Ya Allah
stranger things happen everyday
once we thought we knew, You surprised us with how much we didn't actually
 teach us what we don't know
 part of doa (after you read a Qur'an)

someone said this recently
"Allah wants His hamba to go to Jannah. To reach there is difficult, so He gives us truth. So that by treading on that path (His path), we can find our way home."

 in a hadith, Rasulullah SAW was trying to describe a tree in Jannah
the best he could describe it is...that it's a tree
the colours everchanging and..there's just NO WORD to describe it.
what about the bountiful fruits, the rivers made of milk and wine?


oh my Lord
my sin is the highest mountain
my good deeds are very few
like small pebbles

  I can only turn to You
to show me, to guide me,
to help me
for i'm so little
and don't know any better what Your plans are set for me
what life You set for me

Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim
To You, i turn
- - -

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