September 28, 2013

Izzah (proud)


"If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything."

"don't be fooled and don't be a fool."

it's a long time I didn't talk here, eh?
doesn't mean I cease to grow, to feel
up until now, that's the message I gave to myself
when I'm happy, when I'm sad
when I once thought that maybe it's better I become a normal person.
The result: epic failure

I can't imagine a life without having Allah swt in my life, in full.
To really really shape my life to His want, a Muslim
A muslim lady, a muslim wife, a muslim daughter, a muslim friend, a muslim teacher, a muslim student...
how can I say it?
I'm proud of Islam

what happens to muslims is another story
but to know Islam...the sunnah, the Qur'an
am already busy with it
and so much joy to practice it

deflect from excess, when that excess comes from human words
seek companionship in His words
for verily, with remembrance of Allah swt, does the heart find peace :")

we grew up, Alhamdulillah~
Guide us, O Allah swt~
So that with whatever rezeki You gave us, the when, where, we'd always be thankful

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September 11, 2013

I knew


I knew...
I knew it's His way of reminding me
I knew He wouldn't leave me as I am, in the state that I'm in
I knew His call would be soon enough
if I'm truly sincere, then He would kept His word, and I would've kept mine

"O you who covers himself [with a garment],
"Arise and warn
And your Lord glorify
And your clothing purify
And uncleanliness avoid
And do not confer favor to acquire more
But for your Lord be patient."

"Hai orang yang berkemul (berselimut),
bangunlah, lalu berilah peringatan!
dan Tuhanmu agungkanlah!
dan pakaianmu bersihkanlah,
dan perbuatan dosa tinggalkanlah,
dan janganlah kamu memberi (dengan maksud) memperoleh (balasan) yang lebih banyak.
Dan untuk (memenuhi perintah) Tuhanmu, bersabarlah."
Al-Muddathir, 74: 1-7

O Allah swt, I'm sorry for faltering
I'm sorry it took this long

...and Alhamdulillah, Thank You
Thank You for listening my heart
Thank You for knocking some sense into it :")

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