July 30, 2012

Pure soul


"And indeed, for you in grazing livestock is a lesson


We give you drink from what is in their bellies - between excretion and blood - pure milk, palatable to drinkers."

An-Nahl, 16: 66

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Between excretion and blood -> Stuck between two terrible (yuck!) positions
Pure milk, palatable to drinkers -> Yet the outcome is pure, clean and healthy

no matter how terrible your situation/ surroundings/ past
know that Allah swt originally create this heart a pure one

hold unto it (your truly beautiful soul)
of our true fitrah 

what of the rules of society?
ignorant, foolish, wrongful sentiment
compared to how one is created
to always seek for The Creator

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July 27, 2012

The return


"tolaklah kejahatan dengan kebaikan.."

"Dan orang-orang yang sabar karena mencari keridhaan Tuhannya, mendirikan shalat, dan menafkahkan sebagian rezeki yang Kami berikan kepada mereka, secara sembunyi atau terang-terangan serta menolak kejahatan dengan kebaikan; orang-orang itulah yang mendapat tempat kesudahan (yang baik)"
Surah Ar-Ra'd, 13 : 22

“Dan tidaklah sama kebaikan dan kejahatan. Tolaklah (kejahatan itu) dengan cara yang lebih baik, maka tiba-tiba orang yang antaramu dan antara dia ada permusuhan seolah-olah telah menjadi teman yang sangat setia. Sifat-sifat yang baik itu tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang sabar dan tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang mempunyai keuntungan yang besar” 
Surah Fussilat: 34-35

“Apa maksud semua ini wahai Jibril?” Tanya Rasul SAW pun ketika turun ayat: “Jadilah engkau pema'af dan suruhlah orang mengerjakan yang ma'ruf serta berpalinglah dari pada orang-orang yang bodoh” (Al-A’raf: 199). 
 Jibril pun menjawab, “Wahai Rasul Allah, sesungguhnya Allah SWT memerintahkanmu untuk memaafkan orang yang menzalimimu, memberi kepada orang yang pelit kepadamu, dan menyambung silaturahim kepada orang yang memutuskannya denganmu”.

"Be kind"

Today is a proof of that
that kindness can overwhelm ill-will, bad intentions
find a better replacement

"be like a tree
when a rock is being thrown at you
give back with a fruit"
- S's favourite quote

Fighting ego wouldn't work
being righteous and all that
I learned that speaking the truth doesn't necessary change or improve things
being frank should also comes with a bit of wisdom
and a large dose of kindness
don't think about how much effort 'you' put into being kind
don't think about it
if you'd be rejected and all that
just do it
if one is sincere, it doesn't matter if it's a thousand years

a friend's heart changed just because you treat them kindly
few of my family members had a change of heart
through years
I can hardly believe it myself

O Allah swt,
how can I thank You for the good I've seen in them?

and a bit of muhasabah and mujadah for this self
change begins with own heart
saatan fa saatan (step by step)
find that weakness, that little evil inside
and do just that
"tolaklah keburukkan dengan kebaikkan"

this Ramadhan
let's do just that

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July 24, 2012



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July 20, 2012

O Ramadhan~


"O Allah..
I only have You."

You are here, O Ramadhan
O month of Iman
O month of taqwa

allow me to supplicate my best
to breathe your every night and day
in the complete state of Islam and Iman

"Dan sesiapa yang berpuasa di bulan Ramadan dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan keredhaan Allah akan diampunkan segala dosa yang dilakukannya sebelum itu." 

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July 18, 2012

The Most Perfect


 ... as a witness"

by PNike

Sunset Thunderstorm in London, by TheFella Photography

Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park, California - by Jim Patterson Photography

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding."

"Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. "

Ali Imran, 3: 190-191

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July 17, 2012

The rustic


the realist

...and the idealist

"so you may know of His rahmah"

am trying to understand the traditions and customs
the rustic, the sentiments of old

too young? (to grasp the feel)
point taken

some things you leave to the old people
while we young 'uns just bite our nails and watch
as the drama unfolds before us

do the best of your ability
pray always to be Guided

"Your knowledge exceeds our own."

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and in a completely random note
this is a very handsome llama 


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July 12, 2012

What is written


"...pena telah diangkat dan lembaran-lembaran telah mengering.” 
(HR. Tirmidzi dan lainnya)

"when time halts
suspended in mid-air
are the hopes"


He told me to read
because my path is written
and I left my life to Him

because the pen had been lifted
and the ink, dried

there's a sudden calm
and a sudden anxiety
in realizing
that this life pledged to You, O Allah

O bearer of syahadah,
this is not to burden you
but for you to receive more of Allah's rahmah
He knows what you are capable of
including your shortcomings
and He knows what you aim for

He just wants you to be true to your words
..to accompany the men and women in upholding of this deen
in yourself and others
the only deen that has His redha

if it's His redha you are after
then the way is 'here'

so you'd be a learned one
so that knowledge benefits you and others

this life is not for the salary
$2000+ salary (standard degree wage) is meager
this life is not for the domestic happiness
big house, full of laughter is not an aim in itself

be a traveller
because what exist in this world shall disappear with dust
except those spent in the cause of Allah
then that 'disappearing' money, time, effort
blood, sweat, tears spent
where is the evidence?

the evidence shall be forwarded 'there' (life in the Hereafter)

leave the ignorant and the fool
until they had something better to say
than ridiculous ramblings of what your 'fate' could've been

“Jagalah Allah, niscaya engkau dapati Dia di hadapanmu. Jika engkau meminta, mintalah kepada Allah. Jika engkau meminta pertolongan, mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah. Dan ketahuilah, sesungguhnya seandainya umat ini bersatu untuk memberikan suatu kemanfaatan kepadamu, maka mereka tidak akan dapat memberinya, kecuali dengan sesuatu yang telah Allah tetapkan atasmu. Dan seandainya mereka bersatu untuk mendatangkan suatu kemudharatan kepadamu, maka mereka tidak dapat mendatangkannya, kecuali dengan sesuatu yang telah Allah tetapkan atasmu. Pena telah diangkat dan lembaran-lembaran telah mengering.” 
(HR. Tirmidzi dan lainnya)

“Tiada suatu bencana pun yang menimpa di Bumi dan (tidak pula) pada dirimu  sendiri melainkan telah tertulis dalam kitab (Lauhul Mahfuzh) sebelum Kami menciptakannya.”
Surah Al-Hadid: 22

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July 10, 2012



"O friend,
thank you for reminding me
to live as a traveller in this world
for true destination is not 'here'
but 'there'"

"O Uthman, break your fast with us tonight"
*hand extended*

O Rasulullah s.a.w, I missed you~ 

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July 09, 2012



had a bit of a showdown yesterday ;D

It was our Sport events. As the team leader, I have to prepare everything, woke up early at 4pm, take Z from her home, rushed towards Bukit Shahbandar. Set up the things...it was a peaceful morning at first. Then, they came.

In packs, approaching closer and closer until they're all over the ground..took some of the candies, some of Z's flour, wanting to steal the mini playballs (mistaking them from fruits). Can't believe we spent half an hour just chasing them...few parents came..yet, the size (of people) didn't deter them. They climb of the roof (loosely attached) and made a racket. Spooked, the families looked up warily. They even chase down a teacher until she shut herself in the car.

That's it, I sighed wearily.

Had to step out and chase them off. The others scurried away..felt sorry for spooking the lil' ones, but yeah..if you're going to fight infront of these people, I'd rather you leave...and I said to them exactly that.
Yet the leader stood it'd ground..when I came, he retreated a little, then thought the better of it. He advanced a little, and decided he'd be a prey.
His stance on that bench, eyes dilated, teeth bared, as if ready to attack me...he was intent to intimidate me.
my ground! 
my rules!

Inside, I was quaking. Hey, I can deal with foot-stomping and a bit of yelling, but what if it threw itself upon me, clawing me in the face?
Instinct told me to hold my ground. To not bow down to this ruffian wills. Had a little bit of eye-staring contest, and everytime it let out its deep growl, meant to be a menace..I replied with my own defiance.

He looked at me warily, realizing I wouldn't budge..saw it in his eyes, him contemplating the next move..attack or retreat. In the end, he gave a quiet hmmph and retreated with his pack.

Inside, collapse in relief. "laugh"
I can't believe I just had a showdown with the pack leader

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July 06, 2012



had these 6 visitors yesterday
waiting at the doorsteps

Nisfu Sya'baan seems to mark its presence in a dramatic note
first the rain
right before maghrib
the sudden thunder
as if to remind/ warn
"today..your book of deeds would be lifted
tomorrow there'll be a new one
how did your colour your life?
how will you draw your future?"

to those that are writing my deeds right now (Raqib & Atid)
who had passed my book to Allah swt
my sins..my deeds..each one..no matter how minuscule
and now writing a new one
where/ what are you writing now?
is it you, O Raqib (writer of bad deeds)?
or you, O Atid (writer of good deeds)?

"what is this book?
what is this book?
that leaves not a small thing nor a great thing, but numbers them (all)"

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July 01, 2012

Child of Fire


From wattpad:

Child of Fire

Perhaps I dream of the impossible
Based on wonders I have seen
In the midst of harsh defiant beauty
And ruggedly hard fought dreams.

This land still draws together
All those who venture there to share,
In gifts from an untamed wilderness
And America's last frontier.

Here the dramatic elements struggle
As conflict build within and grows,
Roughhewn facets of ice capped stone
Bank still smoldering fires below.

Forbidden aqua blue fortress
Clinging to barren rocks for show,
Take on a somewhat softer illusion
When dusted by new fallen snow.

The stubborn Sun refuses to yield
to the desolation of deep dark night,
In this land so vast and grand,
Teaming with neverending sights.

Bitter black seas choked with ice
Bring delicacies of the oceas harvest,
And instant death to some whose folly
Leads them on this dangerous quest.

"The land of ten thousand smokes"
Like our current political clime,
Promises to keep things interesting
And shake things from time to time.

Though the stark cold of the environment
Intimidates, tenderness there you'll find,
In the genuine warmth of the people
And Sourdough Spirit of the minds.

Ever changing wild, and free at heart
Alaska will always so inspire,
All those who come to the frozen north
To visit this Child of Fire! 

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"Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kebesaran) kami di segenap penjuru dan pada diri mereka sendiri, sehingga jelaslah bagi mereka bahwa Al-Qur'an itu adalah benar. Tidak cukupkah (bagi kamu) bahwa Tuhanmu menjadi saksi atas segala sesuatu?"
Fussilat, 41: 53

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