May 27, 2012

Ships toward His Redha


Different people
Different ways
Yet Allah s.w.t understands each and everyone of us
our sadness, our happiness, our disappointment
Reading the Qur'an, fascinated by how Allah s.w.t interacted with Rasulullah s.a.w and the sahabah
touches upon their innermost worries
how close they are to know each other's redha
 "...Allah ridha terhadap mereka dan merekapun ridha kepada-Nya. "
- Al-Bayyinah,98:8

"why was it always mentioned to mu'min
Do not fear or be sad?"

"Because if we're constantly ok, we might not feel the need to refer to Him
but to always turn to Him..
His words of comfort, imprinted in the Qur'an
even 1400 ++ years later
to tell us
you're not alone
"I've been there, too."

..and each of us has different needs, capabilities
and Islam is flexible in the pursuit of truth, as long as it is within syarie'

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan carilah wasilah (jalan) yang mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya, dan berjihadlah pada jalan-Nya, supaya kamu mendapat keberuntungan."
-Al-Maidah, 5:35

..use your 'healthy mind' to judge the wrongs and rights of the worlds. 
Ouch, ouch and triple ouch! :"(

"Katakanlah: "Tidak sama yang buruk dengan yang baik, meskipun banyaknya yang buruk itu menarik hatimu, maka bertakwalah kepada Allah hai orang-orang berakal, agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan"
-Al-Ma'idah, 5:100

First, Niat.
ALWAYS go back to Allah s.w.t
whatever happens, hold on to that anchor with your molars

Daripada Abi Nijih 'Irbadh bin Sariyah r.a. berkata, "Telah menasihati kami oleh Rasulullah saw. akan satu nasihat yang menggetarkan hati kami dan menitiskan air mata kami ketika mendengarnya, lalu kami berkata, Ya Rasulullah! Seolah-olah ini adalah nasihat yang terakhir sekali maka berilah pesanan kepada kami." 

Lalu baginda pun bersabda, "Aku berwasiat akan kamu supaya sentiasa bertakwa kepada Allah dan mendengar serta taat (kepada pemimpin) sekalipun yang meminpin kamu itu hanya seorang hamba. Sesungguhnya sesiapa yang panjang umurnya daripada kamu pasti ia akan melihat perselisihan yang banyak. Maka hendaklah kamu berpegang teguh dengan sunnahku dan sunnah para khulafa Ar Rasyidin dan gigitlah sunah-sunah itu dengan gigi geraham dan jauhilah perkara-perkara yang baru (bid'ah) yang diada-adakan, kerana sesungguhnya tiap-tiap bid'ah itu adalah sesat."
H.R. Abu Daud dan Tirmizi

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just to commemorate a piece of memory

when I've been fighting to know who I am
who I can hold on to
in the end, I'll always know Allah s.w.t alone can save me from myself,  from others

a friend asked me
"if this ship is broken, I'd rather go to the next one
we're still riding the same waves, right?

"what about the process?
what about when you jump into the sea to grab a hold and board the other ship?
are you sure you wouldn't be drown?"
have faith and stay
have faith and be patient
some things are just wrong, yes
we can fix it
rather than escaping to find a 'better' ship
try to stay and fix this, together
because once upon a time,
 for me
unaware that I've made that leap into the sea
and yet Allah s.w.t saved me
He told me to hold on to that anchor, 
even with my own molars
"Hold on," He said
"Hold on" "

because even in reality
this ummah is broken
be the hand who knows how to fix the boards, the sails
there is hurt
there is a heal
do you think you'll not be tested?

where does this patience and acceptance comes from?
its from watching them (my ummah) last umrah trip
somehow that image stayed with me
of the people who 'wanted' to be saved
bear this for a while
and fix the niat of every  pilot, of every workers, of every passengers
insyaAllah, that saff will be filled
that saff will be filled :")

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