April 29, 2011



"nothing, and everything"

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April 25, 2011

The Rider


Dear bike, 
i saw you infront of the store today. If I had $110 then, i'd probably buy you that instant. Its a halfway journey, the last time i rode you. You broke down before I could finish learning. Hearing my best friend talking about her adventures on you, i was green with envy. I want to be able to do that, to ride with my neighbors, getting chased by dogs. Riding through the asphalt walk, the dirt along the mountain side. To breathe in the fresh air, arms widespread..the whole world for my taking.

To feel the strain, the effort of working up against the hill, the sharp, cold pebbles..the joyride waiting just on the other side.

The memories..of 'having' you, through walks of life. As a child with feet barely reaching the ground, to ride to schools, to ride through work, through chores, through leisures..

 I saw a beaten-up bike rode by an elderly on a road, recently. The image forces a quiet contemplation..the loyalty, the determination, the sacrifice.
The loving patience.

Am 23 years old and yet still feels self to be such a child. Impatient, stubborn..still struggling to maintain balance..of handling own life, of understanding the tool, the ride, the destination..

am i sulking because i didn't 'know'?? 
for sure on how to 'live' with the lesson??

if i have a living grandfather, i'd probably be shaken and slap into consciousness..
"wake up child! Don't be lazy! You ain't a young 'un, anymore..your own existence not a joke of the universe. it has meaning! It has value! Up to you to wake up and smell the sweat, blood and tears of the world!"

it's 'your' turn now.
Wake up!

- - -

i don't know
i felt like there's something to say
if its a burden i 'can' feel, i'd probably be able to ride on
but it's like carrying a bag of air
what 'are' you saying??

at what stage a young one knows how the elders may 'not know' what they're saying, themselves
and which is just considered too rude to brought up?

whatever it is..
i have to find it out
or i'll keep on holding this bad disease
 getting sicker and sicker by each passing day

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April 19, 2011



Twas' small, at first
then it grows and grows, bigger than tiny me

i was..being a typical grown-up
ignorant, short-tempered
for a moment, i was tired
with the paperwork, preparation, disciplining
its "I this, I that..I..I..I.." 

the motherly advice
an educator's patience
 human insight
even a radio morning message

and then, one day
saw a little girl whispering to her friend's ear
a secret

my heart unstrung

they are small
live in moments that is priceless
 they are fast
to made up how the world is magnified to them
of how the rain falls
of how tall trees are, if you just lay down on soft bed of leaves
how the sun peeks out from a cloud

these secrets embodied in something so tiny
so alive!

we tend to see the full picture and be burdened by it
our own weakness
our own lack of courage

i learned something
these kids
they're so small
and yet they are bigger than me
in fighting the constant unknown
in opening their hearts to it

so i begin to listen
and its true
they even share a secret with me too

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April 09, 2011

keep holding on


Let me have this pain
For now, let me have this pain
this little heartbreak
Tomorrow i'll wipe these flood of tears and grow

and i might dream more
hope more
achieve more

"So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:
Verily, with every difficulty there is relief." 
Al-Insyirah, 5-6

April 02, 2011



Hikmah..what does it mean?
Berlembut dlm berkata, dlm menasihati, dlm mengingati?
dlm bulan ni sahaja..bertubi2 jawapan yg dtg adalah the opposite.
cara Saiddina Umar mendidik isterinya
cara seorang ibu mendidik anaknya sembahyang
cara seorang guru kini belajar untuk mendidik anak muridnya
dgn tegas, disiplin
di dalamnya sarat dgn kasih sayang

ku impikan seorang yg mampu mendidik ku sebegitu teliti
utk tidak mengambil dunia sebagai perhiasan, pertimbangan
untuk kerap menyedarkan HATI ini, bahwa ia kepunyaan Allah swt
utk tidak dimanjakan dengan keinginan duniawi
tapi sarat dgn kerinduan yg mendalam pd Ilahi
walaupun tegas ajaranmu
walaupun penat ku berdiri
walaupun terlalu hairan ku menanti keputusanmu

harga akhirat
harga akhirat ku mahukan daripada harga dunia
bertegaslah pada dirimu sendri dan pada yg kau sayangi
Andai mahu harga akhirat lebih kuat timbangannya dihati diri ini dan dlm mereka
maka bertegaslah
kasih sayang lahir dari niat
dari akhlak yg tak kenal lelah
biar hari berganti hari, bulan berganti bulan, tahun berganti tahun
kau jgn lemah
dan jgn mengambil jln pertengahan
pertahankan apa nilai islam itu

Ya Allah
titipkanlah kekuatanMu
semai benih kesabaran dan takwa dihati ini
agar aku mampu dipimpin dan memimpin

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