December 21, 2015

a blade of grass


tiny feet thread the green
touch a colour. pause.
tiny hand hovering

a bigger one hold it firmly
encouraging. comforting
she follow-suit
picks a purple petal and plucks it
another one and another one
until a mere stub left

her eyes searching for another
takes off her shoes so she can walk
rewarded with a scream of fright
the ticklish green is strange

the world through her eyes is a vast wonder
yet the mere touch of a blade of grass is a fascinating thing
evokes so much emotion
and grows with understanding

my lil' one..
how ummi forgets alot of things
looking so far would get one lost

look at where you are
start from there
why fear a lot of things?
other's people hearts? 
other people's feelings?
getting lost in their problems
wondering how they end up there
wondering why I'm here
wondering why I choose this path

because He says it
"kun fayakun"
He say, "it'll be"...and it'll be
me...this heart?
look no further and start where you are
seek a height lower than yourself
return to humble beginnings are what the sahabah constantly does
because when you're up there, you see very little
when you're down here, you see everything
be humble

tell me..
why am I so preoccupied of people leaving?
why did I fear so much that they get lost?
letting go of the beacon of light that had shone them their path?
should I be angry and shook them back to reality?
should I slammed the ground and "insist"?

they "chose" this
should I let go?
should I claim it is what He had ordained?

you know the answer, Han
advise, even if it cost them shutting their ears
covering their eyes
my loves...I am amongst those who had neglected you when you are alone
while you may "chose" your path
He says otherwise
lest this growing guilt build up
a sign that ukhuwwah is not built from mere words
because it is your Haq
and it is something we must say
I...must say

it's either you do or you do not
there is no "try"
be humble
and begin to understand

this tiny blade of grass

- - -

October 30, 2015



The moonlight
reflects upon the tide
calm is the picture

I wondered
when was the last time I felt this calm?

I was honestly surprised
it was recent
in the busy office
with loads of paperwork and planning to do

was it because I knew I tried my best each day?
was it because I survived the storm when it comes?

did I just grew up?
In the past, I would seek out the coastline often to vent out
rarely had the time to do so as of late
and yet...instead of how the surrounding defines me, I define my own surrounding
coming into grip with reality
and learn to exist 'with' it

there's a lot of expectations on me
when the letter came to legalized my status
I was quite nonchalant
maybe...because the status doesn't define me
I don't need a stamp to tell me I need to lead or validate that I can order people around

recent matters pained me
but it's a blessing despite it's cursed state
it made me reflect of my own intention
of my own words when I'm alone and amongst them
it made me think of Rasulullah SAW
of Sayyidina Omar
I put the first 1 minute of Omar series on repeat
Keep affirm on His path
"so the ignorant can learn, the careless be reminded and the seeker could followsuit"

their words or Allah swt's?

So I kept my silence evwn though I was quite shaken, dissapointed, sad...
I do not put myself in this position but when a muslim is given a reaponsibility, you do not turn yoir back on it
it's my responsibility now

Thank you Allah swt~
You have shown them what's in my heart without me saying it
The Truth is revealed
Thank You~

I look in the mirror and I'm aware of what is reflected
but Allah swt creates the heart so that its bigger than the physical can own up
calm is in knowing you have Allah swt by your side

- - -

August 24, 2015



We just had our Ambition Day...or it's Ambition week to be precise.
I stood there infront of the morning assembly and remembered this.... 

Pernah sekali, ketika Saidina Umar dan sahabat-sahabat sedang duduk di dalam sebuah bilik, Saidina Umar bertanya, "Bermimpilah!".

Salah seorang sahabat berkata, "Aku impikan bilik ini dipenuhi dengan harta yang banyak, jadi aku boleh sedekahkannya ke jalan Allah."

Kemudian Saidina Umar berkata lagi, "Bermimpilah!"

Kemudian, seorang lagi sahabat berkata, "Aku impikan bilik ini dipenuhi dengan emas dan permata, jadi aku boleh sedekahkannya ke jalan Allah."

Saidina Umar berkata lagi, "Bermimpilah!"

Sahabat berkata, "Whaia Amirul Mukminin, kami tak tahu apa yang ingin diimpikan lagi. Engkau mahukan bilik ini dipenuhi dengan apa?"

Saidina Umar menjawab, "Aku impikan rumah ini dipenuhi dengan ‘rijal-rijal’ seperti Muaz b. Jabal, Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah, Salim hamba Huzaifah untuk aku gunakan mereka untuk menegakkan kalimah Allah, supaya aku boleh hantar mereka ke jalan Allah” I asked them to dream.
Dream, young one.
while you may hope for all the riches in the world, or the most delicious deserts to enjoy
they disappeared as soon
but to uphold your ambition in being useful to other people, to give benefit, protect and care for others...
if a room is filled with that type of people
wouldn't the world be a better place?

my dream?

I had a different dream when I was younger; architect, writer
I couldn't imagine being in the position I tried to avoid during childhood
to be a teacher
endless marking of paper
while my father did create an environment that made me enjoy learning...I didn't see myself in that profession
during TP, I sat down, completely depressed at the thought of being stuck as a teacher for thirty to forty years
though, this afternoon, when I saw a physically impaired young man stood there
accounting his life born of no arms, nurtured by people who never stop believing him, and now, he stood there as one of them (a teacher)
heart stuck in my throat
I wanted to say to him....
"young man, if I've been your teacher, I'd have said this. I'm proud. I'm very proud of you."

...and I remembered why I'm here. as if it has only been yesterday...the young boy who said that proud 'ada!'
My life altered just as I hoped his would too.

I want to be able to see you grow up and say those words. "I'm proud of you."

dream, young one. Dream high.

- - -

April 19, 2015



Little drops gathered
form small streams run
along its woodland path
past fallen branches
roots protruding from the ground

run and gather they did
trickling fast until they stilled
to the main river they're meant to find
till they meet others still
in their path to their ending one

'Tis life far from over
one story gathers to another one
woven and woven together
what used to be different now becomes one

Once upon a time, I feared looking into the future
first motherhood is that
full of hope and fear
tethering to the edge, pleading for any kind of hold
and really..all that matters is He who Creates us

A very white one she is
everytime someone says that, makes me want to hold her cheeks to mine
yes, indeed
once, she was very
eyes never leaving her till her cheeks become flushed and her first cries be heard
waiting for the flailing kicking that she had done inside
that waiting, just holding on to Allah swt, hoping..praying..

...and for the first week,
just looking..makes the hold tighter, 
whispering soft prayers to her ears
for nine months, for a breath of life
now, for a life dedicated to One who makes her alive
my child, there is only One who could love you more than I do

while I can say I will stay with you forever
love and cherish you
wanting to give the world to you
it's not possible

for the only One who could know your heart
truly protect and cherish them
till goodness comes out from your words
from your actions as you grow up
there can only be One

the best I can do , give as a mother
more than love and affection
is to give you 'ilm
knowledge of this Deen
so you can recognize your Creator

for the saddest thing, really
is to not know

Hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu’anhu, ia berkata: Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam bersabda: 
“Setiap anak itu dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah. Kedua orang tuanyalah yang membuatnya menjadi seorang Yahudi, seorang Nasrani maupun seorang musyrik.” 
Lalu seorang laki-laki bertanya: 
“Ya Rasulullah! Bagaimana pendapat engkau kalau anak itu mati sebelum itu?” 
Beliau menjawab: “Allah lebih tahu tentang apa yang pernah mereka kerjakan.”
