October 27, 2012

Eidul Adha


"Their meat will not reach Allah , nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good."

“Dari Aisyah r.a. katanya; Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Tiada amalan anak Adam pada hari Aidil Adha yang disukai Allah selain daripada menyembelih korban. Korban-korban itu akan datang kepada orang yang melakukannya pada hari kiamat seperti keadaan semula, iaitu dengan anggotanya, tulangnya, tanduknya dan bulunya. Darah korban itu lebih dahulu jatuh ke suatu tempat yang disediakan Tuhan sebelum jatuh ke atas tanah. Oleh sebab itu, berkorbanlah dengan senang hati”.

(at-Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah)

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"..a certain kind of sadness"

untapped waters
underneath..cold and dark
it's unsolved

somehow...time kept being pulled from beneath us
fate wouldn't let it
and these dangerous waters kept piling up

what's it for, O Allah swt?
so that when the glass breaks, we'd know?
what we really are?
how bonds can unite and break?
how strong would you hold unto them?
how strong would oneself hold unto Allah?

when dunya is taken from us
it's ok
Prophets Ismail a.s and Ibrahim a.s (pbuh) love for Allah swt
extends beyond their own blood-relationship
extends beyond what future may brings it
extends what whispers aimed to stray oneself from the straight path
that kind of submission
full and wholeheartedly

so that when that sacrifice is made
You exchange Prophet Ismail a.s (pbuh) with a ram
as a reward for those who do good deeds

what intention have I when that flesh and blood passed through these fingers?
that it'd be treated as any ordinary day, any ordinary meat?


this to remind us
how Tauhid is being raised above anything else
when one does have that kind of position in his/her heart
to admit and fully accept the power that govern his/her life
even if threatens to take one closest to you
to choose Allah swt, nevertheless...

just when I thought the decision is being taken from me
it's Yours, O Allah swt
it has always been Yours for the taking

"Hearts in the hand of another heart and in God's hand are all hearts"

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October 23, 2012



a tractor pulled through and swept the debris away
what's left is its own track lines
patterned against the puffy dried soil

a hand patted the earth
small as a child's
indeed a child, she is, yet her eyes speak otherwise

physically forced away from home
now returning, all that's left are these dust
reality lost, memories remains

a loud snap shattered the brief moment of silence
a pair of boots led to a pair of sympathetic eyes and forced smile
internal war waging, beaten by a momentary shutter

eyes now opened, the hand beckoned
"Let's go home."

"Where's home, 'yah?"

"It's still here, anakku."

- - -

"...to my brothers and sisters around the world
who are rebuilding their lives

the past exist, no matter how they're wiped clean
the land remembers of their origin

it's what kind of future are being rebuilt from it."

"Indeed He grows from a black burnt soil,
from a destitute land
for such things are easy for Him.
Do they not reflect on the state of hearts?
(from asleep/ dead hearts to full awareness)"

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October 20, 2012



Song: Sami Yusuf - Wherever you are

"...when words of mouth and heart are the same
that's amanah."

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This one is for my late uncle.
who passed away whilst I was in the first year of form 6 (pre-university)

as of lately...
somehow he's always there, 
that fleeting memory of him, as clear as yesterday, as benevolent as a dream.
his rocking chair (where they found him)
of the unfinished kitchen tile (which his son finished during his mother's grief)
but mostly, the living, breathing evidence of him.

his family would have their daily Maghrib prayer together
have saum (puasa) to the best of their own ability
their kindness and polite ways
simple and humble as their father

a thoroughly ordinary man
but am continually amazed of how his qudwah shown through from this small of a roof
an aura flowing, always, as if he never left

This kind man..

"I missed you, Paci W. 
I hope you're among the solihin."

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October 17, 2012

The wise


"why wouldn't you loan a car?"

"because its seven years with interest.
..and because I don't know what'll happen to me tomorrow."

Sayyidina Umar r.a says: "I was one among ten people who came into the presence of Rasulullah SAW (pbuh). One Ansari stood up and asked Nabi SAW): 
"Who is the most intelligent and careful person?" 
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied: "Those people who remember death most and prepare for it most. These are people who have excelled in the nobility of this world and the honor of the hereafter." 

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"why would you watch those korean variety shows (up to the point of obsession)?"

"because it's fun, simple genuine humour, because of the great ideas for games...but actually, mostly because it's entertaining."
"so you do know, despite the benefits, it's actually a waste of time...just like manga, games, etc?"
"yeah" don't be a spoilsport, will ya'. I'm trying to cool myself of.

“A wise person is one who guards and restrains himself from that which is harmful and strives for that which will benefit him after death
The foolish one is he who gives into his cravings and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his futile desires.” (Riwayat Imam At-Tirmidzi)

Entertainment, if mild and within syara' is acceptable...but not when that entertainment takes up your heart..in your favor, in speech, in action, in your akhlak
don't be fooled, my brothers and sisters
because if you follow a people's lifestyle, you'll become that very people you adore (and worship)
where's the lifestyle of Rasulullah SAW and sahaba you used to follow?
what's the use of those games, if the intention was to just spend time playing?
what's the use of 'studying' culture, just to become like them, to favour their 'styles' and way of living?

am not condemning
cause I've been in those shoes

just..ask your heart..what's your state of iman?
does it increase or decrease?
does muhasabah (self-reflection/ self-assessment) even matter to you anymore?

"judge our own end, by what we're doing at present."
be wise..O brothers and sisters

"Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? .."
- Al-Hadid, 57:16

am ashamed of myself
because he was better than me
because despite his sins, his akhlak is admirable
his faith towards Allah swt
so that verse..thank you, O brother of mine~ :"(
I understood, finally
don't play around with faith if you're a person of thought

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October 14, 2012

why not?


a positive negative question

"why not?"
..as if to dare someone to say otherwise

"why not?"

"cause life is about that one possibility."

begin with the end in mind
when you look so much forward to it
you'll feel a deep regret even at the thought of losing it
missing it the entire time
the heart's fervent wish

then that life is for that destination
not to be distracted by the little toys of this world
a real dream

I know am not worthy of it, yet I couldn't bear having the alternative
coz' Jannah is Your gift
a true reward

...and a true reward goes to a true person
3 signs of a complete iman are:
1. Someone who is fair to him/herself
2. To give provisions for others even in times of own poverty
3. To easily give salaam to a Mukmin/ Solihin

there's a lot of reasons why ownself is far from ever getting that
but...one possibility
Ya Rahman~ Ya Rahim~

so.. "why not?"

"strive on..till it's decided by You, O Allah swt"

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October 06, 2012




a light cool
and added warmth

sunlight filters through leaves
whose characters, began to change

a disarray of colors, 
each tree 
and biologically

life and death, the center stage
memories more pronounced
the mark of change
the mark of youth and age

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth ..  and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness ... are signs for a people who use reason." 
Al-Baqarah, 2:164

"..the trees are leaving," a five-year-old girl tugs at her father
"..where are they going?" he humours her
"..they're not going anywhere..they're just leaving," she insisted
the sight of red leaves from green
"wow Rory..you're not kidding."
- DL

the world stays the same, except for those who change 'em with their hands, their words or their hearts

O Youth, have you spent your life under the influence of k-pop or whatever the media has thrown at you, swept away in idleness? Like some trees to succumb to death in the throes of winter?

or are you actually doing something that benefits mankind? to realize the need to change ownself? to adapt with surrounding, to survive to see the next Springtime?

Hats of to you, O Youth, on your own choices, and on your own journey "Happy Youth Day"

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October 03, 2012

wisdom tooth



it's been years, dear friend
heart's will can change
from self-centeredness to selflessness
to bore with it with patience and tawakkal
soon will come redha

happiness comes with hard work, not as an aim of itself
happiness comes with the right intention, the reason why
happiness comes with the right person, someone who understands the same
happiness comes gradually, even at some point in life, it'll threaten to dim and died out
in years maybe

a friend said this,
"if we move forward just because of that spark,
we'd died out when it (spark) died out"

moving forward doesn't mean you have to give all your heart into it all the time
sometimes...it's the destination itself
you make that effort
with light or heavy steps

I find truth in those words after two years jumping blindly in this field
preschool teacher?
what in the world am I doing? seriously?
"do you love working here?" she asked

small smile
how do you explain it...
when fighting with that stream in the past
I should've charged towards government job. master.

how do I say it...
that when you're here long enough, you'll get used to it?
I'd rather not thinking of the future?
I'd rather think not of my wasted potential in this small building?

those words don't exist anymore
making this conscious decision...
what I can say...
like it had become my own bloodstream
flows in the veins
my oxygen, my plasma

times will change
it's not being content with what is
am greedy
of the potential

it's knowing this much is true
"right person, right time"
two years
and those words are true

I'll jump blindly into the future again, I know
but hey, the adventure is not in knowing how fun it'll be
but knowing that despite the obstacles, the stagnant boring phases of life
you trudge on
you live
somehow...I have a feeling I'll be happy nevertheless
because Allah swt (my destination) is already here (heart)


..but I'll tell you straight
it's not whimsical (my life decisions)
it's not a teenager's impulse, recklessness
when Allah swt decides for me
although it's wildly impossible to begin with
I'm following that
cause the impossible had happened in the past
and it's still here now
growing beyond what I'd ever imagined it to be
the root I've left takes it bloom

grow my flower, your caretakers had changed
but I trust Allah swt of your fate
that you'd spread your branch and be that shelter
that kalimah thayyibah would spread
would influence

I still don't know much
but yeah, am taking that risk

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October 01, 2012



"Take it."

Eyes towards the pot held out.
Tentatively taking it, black soil fits snugly within
A question.

In answering it, the giver took out a seedling from her pocket and dug it carefully into the soil.

"What (seed) is it?"
What it'll grow into?

"You'd know, once you take good care of it."

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